Posts by Pastor Joe Orner (Page 7)
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week June 15, 2023
Dear Peace Families,Tomorrow, our group of travelers will return home from their week in Chicago, where they’ve been spending time serving others and exploring the city. Led by their amazing leaders, Lori Thomson and Ann Losinski, they’ve had a great week growing in their understanding of what it means to love others because God first loved us.Here’s a brief summary of what they’ve been up to this week:On Sunday, the group tracked over 21,000 steps as they adventured through the…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week June 8, 2023
Dear Peace Families, On Saturday, 7 students and 2 adult leaders will embark on a service trip to Chicago. While there, they’ll be working with some wonderful organizations that are making positive impacts all across the Chicago area, including Share Our Spare, Working Bikes, the Lydia Home, and the Chicago Food Depository. At Share Our Spare, they will assist in making care kits for babies and toddlers under 5 to assist parents in providing a safe and healthy start for their…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week June 1, 2023
Dear Peace Families, The end of the school year is finally here! Last night, seniors at Bloomington Jefferson High School graduated and received their diplomas—including Peace’s own Julia Freemark and Elena Stockinger. The commencement ceremonies for our other graduates—Marta Borggreve (Eden Prairie), Harrison Oxford (Blake), and Ava Scribner (Edina)—continue next week as well. In addition, today is the last day of school for all of the other students in the Bloomington School District. Congratulations and well wishes to all! To celebrate the completion of another school year, we…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week May 25, 2023
Dear Peace Families, This week, as students near the end of the school year, I offer a prayer from writer, Kayla Craig: O God, Creator of beginnings and endings, we pray for our students. Walk ahead of them and beside them as they step into a big world littered with loss but glittering with hope. You were there for every newborn squeal and first step and lost tooth. Remind us that You are with them now, too, as our child…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week May 18, 2023
Dear Peace Families, This weekend in worship we will be recognizing our high school graduates—five students from four different high schools. Each of them are exceptional individuals with bright futures ahead, and I ask you to join me in both celebration of them and prayer for them—celebration for the wonderful young adults they’ve become and all their accomplishments along the way, and prayer for them as they enter into this next season of their lives. Marta Borggreve is graduating from Eden Prairie…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week May 11, 2023
Dear Peace Families, This weekend marks the last day of Sunday School for the 2022-2023 school year. We have had a wonderful year growing in faith and community. In the fall we read and learned about stories from the Old Testament, starting with Creation and Abraham and moving through the Exodus narrative. Beginning in Advent, we started reading through the Gospels and learning about Jesus. On Sunday we conclude our spring adventure through the New Testament with a lesson on Paul’s Letters. …
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week May 4, 2023
Dear Peace Families, As many of you know, I am a big sports fan and care a lot about our Minnesota professional sports teams. And last week, Thursday-Saturday, the 88th annual NFL Draft was held down in Kansas City. Over the course of seven rounds, there were 259 players selected by the 32 NFL teams. Prior to the draft (sometimes very prior—Todd McShay’s “Way-Too-Early 2024 NFL Mock Draft” was just posted by ESPN), there are mock drafts created by analysts and writers…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week April 27, 2023
Dear Peace Families, On Sunday during worship, we celebrated the Rite of Confirmation for our 8th grade students as they professed their faith and affirmed the promises God made with them at their baptism. Faith is many things—a gift, a trust, a belief. But it is also a responsibility—to live among God’s faithful people, to hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper, to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed, to serve all people, following…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week April 20, 2023
Dear Peace Families, Last night we had our last Confirmation gathering of the year. As our time together comes to an end, it is (as always) bittersweet—I am so happy for our students and proud of them for all the ways they’ve grown throughout the year, and I will miss our time shared together each week as well. Because it’s been a great year! True to our mission, growing a community that nurtures a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, we’ve grown…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week April 13, 2023
Dear Peace Families, I hope you all had a blessed Holy Week and a wonderful celebration of Easter. In the life of the Church, the celebration of Easter and Christ’s Resurrection is not just one day—it is a season that continues for six more weeks. One big question for us to consider during the Easter season is: how do we live as Easter people? Or rather, what does it mean for us, as Christians, to share the Good News that…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week March 30, 2023
Dear Peace Families, Before this week’s message, I have an important announcement: VBS registration begins on Sunday! We are excited to welcome your children to a week of fun at this year’s Vacation Bible School! VBS will be June 26-29, 2023 at Peace, from 9:00am-12:00pm each day. This year’s VBS theme is Stellar, and we’ll be launching the kids on a cosmic quest, to Shine Jesus’ Light to the world. The week will be full of uplifting music, engaging Bible adventures, imaginative crafts, galactic snacks,…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week March 23, 2023
Dear Peace Families, In Lent we follow Jesus on the 40-day journey to the cross and beyond. During the season, many Christians have traditionally given up something—things like coffee or desserts—sacrificing something they love for 40 days, acknowledging that Jesus sacrificed even more for us. As we continue through Lent, I’ll be offering suggestions for things we might give up—though there won’t be anything tangible mentioned. This week, I propose giving up poor boundaries. If we’re being honest, most people…