CYF Blast February 29, 2024

CYF Blast February 29, 2024

Dear Families and Friends of Peace,

Happy Leap Day!

This last weekend, our Confirmation students had our winter retreat to Gustavus Adolphus College. Our theme, in coordination with our theme for the year, was “God’s Story, My Story,” and we focused on how we are all an important part of God’s ongoing story. 

Throughout the day, we enjoyed learning together during group time, eating meals in the Gustavus cafeteria, touring the campus, going bowling and playing laser tag, and growing in faith and community.

Based on 1 John 4, we know that God is love, and God’s story is a love story for humanity. Further, if God is love, and God is, then whenever we experience love, we experience God. This realization should have a dramatic effect on how we perceive ourselves, treat others, and see God’s activity in the world.

Then, as we considered our own stories, we reflected on the Apostle Paul, whose message was centered on Jesus—who he was, what he did, and how Jesus followers reflect his love in our relationships with one another. This made us wonder, how do our beliefs—about God, about ourselves, and about others—show up in our stories and how we live our lives?

Finally, we thought about each of our own gifts, talents, interests, and passions, and wondered about three important questions: 

  • How can we glorify God through these things? 
  • What needs do we see in our community, and how could we use our gifts and passions to address them?
  • How might we use the gifts God has given us to encourage and support others in their faith?

The answers to these questions help us understand our individual and communal vocations, and help us to see how God continues to write God’s story through us.

Grace and Peace,


ONE LAST NOTE: This Sunday, our students will begin fundraising for their trip this summer to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Please see the details below and consider how you might support them through your prayers and financial gifts!