CYF Blast September 5, 2024

CYF Blast September 5, 2024

Dear Families and Friends of Peace,

Gathering Sunday is this weekend, and I am so excited to begin the new year of ministry together. We will kick it off with worship at 9:30am and a Fall Kickoff Festival in the Upper Lot right after. There will be walking tacos, ice cream treats, and plenty of games and activities for all ages to enjoy. Everyone is invited!

Additionally, as we move into the fall season together, I want to extend two invitations to you. 

First, I invite you to engage deeper into the life of our congregation—just a little bit more than you have in the past. Whether it’s attending one more Sunday worship each month, staying for the Education Hour, joining a Bible Study or ministry committee, teaching Sunday School, engaging in service activities, participating in a monthly CYF event, or even simply reaching out to fellow congregation members or neighbors—prayerfully consider how you might accept the invitation. You’ll be glad you did—I guarantee it!

Second, I invite you to pass it on–invite someone else to worship or to participate in our ministries too. Maybe it’s your nextdoor neighbors, a teammate’s family, a new friend from school, or even someone from Peace that you haven’t seen in awhile. 

Research shows that people are the most likely to go to a church when they’re invited–because then they know someone who will be there. 

And if you share with them why Peace is so special to you, you’re both increasing their likelihood of coming and sharing the good news about God’s love.

So I hope you’ll accept the invitation and share it too, because this fall there’s faith to be formed, community to build, and relationships to strengthen as we keep growing a community that nurtures a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

See you Sunday,
