E-Note August 25, 2023

E-Note August 25, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, 
Well, it’s State Fair time. And the ELCA posted this limerick on a Facebook page: Fair season is upon us so here is a Doxology:O Lord protect this festivalThe riders as they rise and fall.The jams and pickles and the pies. Competing for the first grand prize. O Lord we thank thee for this food,When we are in a cheese curd mood.For Pronto Pups and onion ringsDoughnuts and other deep-fried things.Praise God from whom all blessings flowPraise him for fair and rodeo.Praise him for sugar and for grease,And may he grant our stomachs peace!        –Garrison Keillor    

 Yes, “fair season is upon us” and that means that school and fall ministry are not far behind. Whether at the fair, home or on the road, I hope that all of you are enjoying these last August days.  “How can I live a good life?” As Christians, I believe we have we have an answer. St. Augustine provides an answer for us all. In his sermon the 32nd Psalm, Augustine suggests that we all wish to be happy but none will be unless they wish to be good. This is how he puts it: “You want to be better off: I know it, we all know it, we all want the same thing. Look for what is better than yourself, so that by that means you may become better off than you are.” And how do we begin to do that? Augustine happily answers: Christ is the one who in this life gives us the virtues; and, in place of all the virtues necessary in this valley of tears, he will give us one virtue only, himself.” Wanting to be good is the starting point for Pastor Joe’s continuing sermon series on “The Good Life.” This Sunday, will be about the good life and “identity.” “Identity” is behind the question, “Who are you?” It’s a challenging question! I recall a student saying, “If I’m not a student, the only thing I am conscious of being, then who am I?” Pastor Joe will say more about identity and the good life in this Sunday’s worship (9:30am). In addition, Peace member, Bob Wig, brings his musical group, the Backyard Brass, and offers the gift of music throughout the morning. I’ll have a children’s message, and we will celebrate God’s grace and mercy around the table of Holy Communion. Join in! 

School begins for many this coming week and fall activities here at Peace are not far behind. Just a reminder that Rally Day here at Peace is Sunday, September 10th. Mark it on your calendar! I also am putting out another call for Sunday School teachers, assistants, and substitutes. We are in need of adults and students 6th grade and up to help our students grow in their faith through our Sunday School program! If you’re drawn toward this ministry, please contact Pastor Joe at [email protected] for further information. Also, a reminder to Sunday School and Confirmation student parents and grandparents: Please register your children or grandchildren for 2023/2024 Sunday School, Confirmation, and High School activities. Registration will help us plan for class sizes and materials and keep our database current. A registration link can be found on Peace’s website, in the Thursday CYF Blast, or in this Friday e-Note. Paper copies are available at the information kiosk.

As you go about the rest of your week—maybe getting ready for school or even going to the state fair for “doughnuts and other deep-fried things”!—stop a moment to praise God from whom all blessings, good and goodness, flows. And praise God for this, too: praise God for who you are as followers of Jesus Christ!

The late Harvard chaplain, Peter Gomes, declares you are: Formed by God, Nourished by his love, Preserved by his mercy, Open to his promises, Expectant of his future, You are the human expression of the Divine Hope. You are God’s best and last chance in the world. Who are you? That is who you are. You are all of that, and more.  And for that, we praise God. 
See you Sunday!