Dear Peace Members and Friends,
This Sunday in worship (9:30am), we conclude our sermon series, “Ordinary People” with a look at Timothy. 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus are usually called “the Pastoral Letters,” partly because Paul is acting as a pastor to Timothy and Titus and partly because he is writing to instruct them in their own pastoral ministries. Paul is anxious that Christians should allow the gospel to transform their lives as well as those they are leading. Pastor Joe will tell us more about Paul, Timothy and their teaching to us on Sunday.
We also will have the joy of gathering around the altar for Holy Communion, hearing a Children’s Message, and sharing in fellowship following worship. I look forward to seeing you!
Finally, as we prepare to commemorate Labor Day as a nation, I’m reminded that it was a union leader representing carpenters who first proposed Labor Day back in 1882 to recognize the contributions of those who labored with their hands to build America. While we all are aware of the flaws of any human movement, can I make a suggestion? Sometime at your mealtime prayers this weekend stop to thank God for the farmers, harvesters, truckers and grocers responsible for our food; all the people who labor to provide all the things so essential in our lives.
See you Sunday!