E-Note June 7, 2024

E-Note June 7, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends of Peace,

Did you know that Jesus had siblings? Yes, Mary and Joseph were his earthly parents, of course, but Mark’s Gospel also tells us that Jesus also had 4 brothers and a few sisters (Mark 6). Jesus had a family! Not only that he didn’t always get along with his family (sound familiar?).  

On Sunday in worship (9:30am), continue in our sermon series, “Following Jesus in Mark’s Gospel” with a message about Jesus’ family, our own families, and the particular way that Jesus gives us help and hope in our family lives. We’ll also have a children’s message, share in the Lord’s Supper and prayer, and praise our Lord with music. I look forward to the Sunday ahead! 

50 years ago, a group of Bloomington churches (including Peace) joined together to form the ministry, VEAP (Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People). Over these decades, VEAP has grown to be, among its other ministries, to be one of the largest food providers for those in need in the state.

Peace members are invited to a celebration of this ministry. VEAP’s 50th Anniversary Summer Celebration is this Tuesday, June 11th from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the parking lot behind VEAP (9600 Aldrich Avenue South). The festivities are open to all, featuring food trucks, music, craft beer, wine, and family friendly activities and games with $1 from every beverage sold donated back to VEAP! VEAP will be providing light snacks, water, and lemonade for free and there will be short program at 6:30pm. Join in celebrating this terrific ministry and celebrate Peace’s part in VEAP for these many decades! 

See you Sunday! 
