Grief Support Resources

Grief Support Resources

Bloomington-richfield Grief support Colalition

3-27-2025“Soul Work”Bob Bartlett
4-3-2025“Intimacy”Bob Bartlett
4-10-2025“Grieving through Grief and Multiple Loss”Julie Ditzler
4-17-2025Maundy Thursday – No meeting
4-24-2025“How Families Grieve”Mary Anne Kelly-Wright
5-1-2025“The Teeter Totter of Grief and Hope”Ted Bowman
5-8-2025“The Courage to Ask: Embracing Help on the Path to Healing”Dr. Rene Garpestad
5-15-2025“Sibling Loss”Maggie Bauer

Southwest Grief Coalition

Downtown Coalition for Grief Support

Show up any Saturday from 10:00 to 11:30am to hear a speaker on various topics of grief and loss.  Then break into small discussion groups to talk to others experiencing a similar loss afterward:

  • Spouse or partner loss
  • Family or friend loss
  • Child loss

St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral (519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis) is hosting sessions every Saturday morning through the end of December. Please visit their SCHEDULE AND LOCATION page for details. Masks are required. No fee, but donations gratefully accepted. No registration or RSVP needed; come when you can. Call 612-317-3454 for more information.