2024-25 CYF Registrations 2024-2025 CFY Ministry Registration Form Welcome, parents and students, to the 2024-2025 school year at Peace Lutheran Church! We look forward to a great year of ministry, learning, service, and fun. Please complete this Ministry Registration Form indicating who will be participating in Sunday School (Preschool—Age 4 through 5th Grade), Alleluia Singers (3rd-8th Grade), or Confirmation (6th-8th Grade) at Peace. Primay Contact Name(Required) First Last Primay Contact Email(Required) Primay Contact Phone(Required)Primary Contact Address(Required) Street Address City ZIP / Postal Code Secondary Contact Name First Last Secondary Contact Email Secondary Contact PhoneSecondary Contact Address (if different than primary contact) Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Student(s) Information Student Name Student Bithdate Grade Student for school year 2024-25 Student is registering fro: (check all that apply) Please list any allergies, medical needs, mental/emotional/behavioral health concerns, accommodations, or other important information pertaining to your student: Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Participation consent(Required) I agree I give my permission for my child(ren) to participate in all activities during the 2024/2025 school year with Peace Lutheran Church. I will not hold the employees of Peace, or the adult volunteers, responsible for sickness or injuries that may occur while my son/daughter is participating in or being transported to/from these activities. If medical care is necessary, I grant permission for a licensed medical professional to provide necessary treatment. I expect to be contacted at the earliest opportunity.Media consent(Required) Yes No Peace publishes church information and church news and activities on its website, in its newsletter, in informational brochures, in local newspapers, on social media and in denominational publications. This information may include photos, videos, and/or audio recordings of people involved in these activities. Peace values the privacy of those individuals, and will not publish this information without the individual's consent. **By participating in Peace ministries, I give my consent to Peace to publish photos, videos, and/or audio recordings of me and/or my family members for publicity purposes.** Parent Signature(Required) Δ