Dear Families and Friends of Peace,
A change is in the air. Literally. The days are getting longer and the mild-for-Minnesota weather has us all thinking about spring.
With that, Lent is right around the corner. In fact, next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday with worship at 6:30pm. You may be wondering if this service is appropriate for children? (And Good Friday for that matter too.)
Pastor Mark writes….Is Ash Wednesday “appropriate” for children? Yes! Let me share a reminder and at least two reasons for your children to attend:
- A reminder: Yes, on Ash Wednesday there is (unavoidably) talk of mortality and life’s limits. However, my experience is that we adults tend to project our own questions and fears about mortality on to our children, assuming that those same questions and fears are shared by them. But my experience also tells me that, developmentally, children can only take in only what they can take in and may very well not be thinking your thoughts at all!
- When children see all the adults they love and respect wearing ashes and they themselves are marked with ashes, they know they belong. They are one of God’s people. Other days they may know that with their minds, but on Ash Wednesday they know it in a powerful way with their eyes.
- Because we are all marked not with golden markers but with messy black ashes, children learn that all of us mess up and are forgiven. The most loved and respected adult they know does and they do. In a world where they are constantly told they can do better and can make good choices and should be special, this is essential to know!
Ash Wednesday is a meaningful occasion in the life of the church…..that that includes children!–Pastor Mark Nelson
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday….and on Wednesday!
Daina Sivanich