Posts by Pastor Mark Nelson (Page 3)

Posts by Pastor Mark Nelson (Page 3)

E-note September 6, 2024

Dear Peace Members and Friends,  Kids are back to school, vacations are ending, and we’re getting ready for an exciting fall at Peace! We celebrate this weekend with Gathering Sunday! Following worship all are invited outdoors for a Fall Kickoff Festival. We’ll have food, games, and activities.    In worship (9:30), after a summer of sermon series’, we return to the Gospel of Mark. In some ways, its message is simple. In the very first verse of the very first chapter…

E-note August 30, 2024

Dear Peace Members and Friends,  This Sunday in worship (9:30am), we conclude our sermon series, “Ordinary People” with a look at Timothy. 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus are usually called “the Pastoral Letters,” partly because Paul is acting as a pastor to Timothy and Titus and partly because he is writing to instruct them in their own pastoral ministries. Paul is anxious that Christians should allow the gospel to transform their lives as well as those they are leading. Pastor Joe will tell us more…

E-Note August 23, 2024

Dear Peace Members and Friends,  It’s State Fair time and September is approaching quickly. A reminder: Gathering Sunday is September 8th, including a “Fall Festival” for all ages. More information will follow but mark it on your calendars!   On Sunday in worship (9:30am), we continue our sermon series, “Ordinary People” with a look at Gideon. When a messenger of the Lord greets him, he is a farmer threshing wheat, and one of God’s people struggling to exist. Gideon is surprised…

E-Note August 16, 2024

Dear Peace Members and Friends,  September is right around the corner and I have a reminder for you at the bottom of this note.  But first, a word about this Sunday’s worship (9:30am). I was chatting with a friend the other day and we were commiserating over what seemed to be a long, long list of nasty, cruel behavior and talk that we’d been about hearing in the news. Finally he just blurted out, “Doesn’t anyone know how to be…

E-Note August 9, 2024

Dear Peace Members and Friends,  Do you want to be wise? We need go no further than King Solomon to look for the answer.King Solomon was famous for his great wisdom. There wasn’t a riddle he couldn’t crack with one hand tied behind his back and there came a point where people figured that if anything clever was said anywhere, it must have been Solomon who originally said it, and the whole Biblical book of Proverbs is attributed to him.…

E-Note August 2, 2024

Dear Peace Members and Friends,  During these last weeks, we have been in a sermon series, “Ordinary People.” We all know the principal characters in the Bible—Abraham and Sarah, Mary, Paul, Peter—and, of course, Jesus, the focus of the Bible for all Christians. (As Martin Luther said, “The Bible is the cradle wherein Christ is laid.”) Yet, there are lesser-known characters in the Bible that we rarely, if ever, hear about; those people through whose lives God made a difference…

E-Note July 26, 2024

Dear Peace Members and Friends,  Thank you for both the meaningful and fun “Hymn Sing” last Sunday! You chose terrific hymns and you sang them wonderfully. Once again, I was reminded what a singing congregation Peace is! I’m already looking forward to this the next hymn sing. It will be a part of our Sunday worship on August 11th. Mark the day on your calendars!    In this Sunday’s worship (9:30am), we, continue our sermon series, “Ordinary People in the Bible.” I would be willing to bet that…

E-Note July 19, 2024

Dear Peace Members and Friends,  I’m looking forward to this Sunday’s worship (9:30am)! For one, we’re having a “Hymn Sing.” And that means during the portion of worship where we typically share in the Lord’s Supper, we will instead sing hymns that have been chosen by you—yes you. We’ll take a few minutes at the beginning of the service so you can look up your hymns. In the meantime, you might want to be pondering your hymn choice!   In worship, we’ll also continue with our sermon…

E-Note July 12, 2024

Dear Peace Members,  Yesterday, we had another gathering of older adults at church. It was terrific! I’ll say more in a moment.  But first, let me remind you: Moses would have had a hard time getting a management job these days.   As a matter of fact, he might have had a hard time getting any job. Why? Not simply because he was a murderer and a fugitive from the law, but he himself admitted he was a lousy speaker. Instead, God called him to be…

E-Note July 5, 2024

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, I hope you having a good July 4th holiday week/weekend!   This Sunday in worship (9:30am), we’ll conclude our current sermon series, “Following Jesus in Mark’s Gospel.” In the early chapters of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus has been teaching Discipleship 101 to his followers. Lessons have included the importance of both resting and remembering we belong to God; that we have, not only our own family but God’s family to bless and support us along…

E-Note June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024  Dear Peace Members,  I know that a number of you are traveling this coming July 4th week (more about this celebration near the end of this e-note). God’s blessings on your travel, your reunions, your gatherings, and all your celebrations!  This Sunday in worship (9:30am), we continue in our sermon series, “Following Jesus in Mark’s Gospel.” In Sunday’s Gospel scene, Jesus meets a desperate woman who has suffered from hemorrhaging for 12 years. She has not only…

E-Note June 21, 2024

June 21, 2024 Dear Peace Members,  Believe it or not, I was once a Boy Scout and scouting was, in part, about earning merit badges at summer camp. One of those awards was swimming. And one of the requirements for the badge was to pass a time test treading water. I was pushed off a dock and told, “Keep your head above water.” My fear? I was way, way in over my head.   In Sunday worship (9:30am), we’re going to…