Posts by Pastor Mark Nelson (Page 4)

Posts by Pastor Mark Nelson (Page 4)

E-Note June 14, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends of Peace, Many years ago, I had the opportunity to attend a workshop about helping organizations discover their strengths. At the beginning of the workshop, the speaker asked us to finish this sentence: “The thing that is wrong with most organizations is…….” Then he said, “The answer that you have just given to this sentence is what you will be looking for before you begin working with a group. That is your point of view.…

E-Note June 7, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends of Peace, Did you know that Jesus had siblings? Yes, Mary and Joseph were his earthly parents, of course, but Mark’s Gospel also tells us that Jesus also had 4 brothers and a few sisters (Mark 6). Jesus had a family! Not only that he didn’t always get along with his family (sound familiar?).   On Sunday in worship (9:30am), continue in our sermon series, “Following Jesus in Mark’s Gospel” with a message about Jesus’ family,…

E-Note May 31, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends of Peace, After a couple of weeks away, I will be back in worship on Sunday. My wife, Marcie, and I have been on vacation in Europe and are really looking forward to being with you! On Sunday, we begin a sermon series, “Following Jesus in Mark’s Gospel.” The series starts with Jesus’ discussion about the Sabbath. This topic couldn’t be more timely. Many of you busy, busy people switch gears into summer and we…

E-Note May 24, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends of Peace, This Sunday is The Holy Trinity (worship at 9:30). Pastor Joe writes, “in mainline Protestantism, the first Sunday after Pentecost is commonly celebrated as Holy Trinity Sunday. Whereas Pentecost Sunday (last Sunday) sees us celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, this day proclaims the gift of that Spirit: faith in God who is three-in-one—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. This holy mystery is the foundation of our faith and…

E-Note May 17, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends, This Sunday is the Day of Pentecost, a festival day in the church that comes 50 days after Easter. Pastor Joe writes: On the Day of Pentecost, we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the entirety of the early church. This is the same Spirit that Jesus promised to his disciples—and to us. And so, filled with and empowered by the Spirit, our challenge then becomes the discernment of how we will join…

E-Note May 10, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends, I’m guessing that yesterday was likely a fairly normal day. I know it was for me. We welcomed a group of Peace older adults for lunch. We heard the musical group, Bloomingtone’s sing. There was no rain. The sun shone. That was Thursday. Which is too bad because yesterday was also the 40th day after Easter and a red-letter day on the church calendar—the Ascension of Our Lord. Ascension Day marks the end of the…

E-note May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024 Dear Peace members and friends, A happy May to you all! In spite of the rain, I hope you’re enjoying the green, green, green of creation around us coming to life once again. On Sunday, we continue celebrating the good news of Easter. This season of the church year reminds us that the resurrection of Christ does not only have to do with what happens after we die but, first of all, it has to do with…

E-note April 26, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends, 30 years ago tomorrow, a momentous event happened in Africa and the world. For the first time, black South Africans were able to vote in a national election. Nelson Mandela became the country’s first President and, 2 years later, won the Nobel Peace Prize. What is seldom remembered is that Mandela shared that prize with another South African leader, F. W. de Klerk. For reasons that are still not completely clear, de Klerk (brought up…

E-Note April 19, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends, Coming up this weekend is that annual Sunday of the Easter season that is often called, “Good Shepherd Sunday.” “I am the good shepherd,” Jesus declares in Sunday’s Gospel. And here’s one thing in this reading that becomes clear: Jesus does everything that ultimately matters. 5 times in 8 short verses he says, “I lay down my life”—for us! For you; for me! To confess that Jesus is our shepherd is to also say that…

E-Note April 12, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends, What a joyful Easter Sunday we had two weeks ago! And here’s the thing: the hope of Easter continues to happen. As I write these words, I’m getting ready to celebrate the life of Tom Gilmore’s mother, Joan. I’ll be reminding those who are present that Joan made the lives of people better wherever she was, and sharing with them the hope we have in Christ—“death has been swallowed up in victory.” Yes, Easter continues!…

E-Note April 5, 2024

Dear Peace Members, What a wonderful Holy Week we had at Peace!Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday worship—the Scripture, the music, the gathered people of God—all proclaiming the Good News: “He is risen! He is risen, indeed!” Now the question is: what does it mean for how we live….now! Does the Risen Christ make a difference—not just about death after life but life before death? That’s why the church calendar gives us 50 days to take the Good News…

E-Note – Lent – March 27, 2024

Dear Peace Members and Friends,  Holy Week is not a service. Rather, it is an experience. A collection of worship services to immerse yourself in the climax of the story of God’s determination to redeem God’s people and world. It begins tomorrow, Maundy Thursday, continues on Good Friday, and will come to a peak on Easter Sunday. Here is the worship schedule along with some details: With nightfall, Lent comes to an end and we gather with Christians around…