Dear Peace Families,
In Lent we follow Jesus on the 40-day journey to the cross and beyond. During the season, many Christians have traditionally given up something—things like coffee or desserts—sacrificing something they love for 40 days, acknowledging that Jesus sacrificed even more for us. As we continue through Lent, I’ll be offering suggestions for things we might give up—though there won’t be anything tangible mentioned.
This week, I propose giving up poor boundaries.
If we’re being honest, most people in this country pride themselves on being busy. Recently, when catching up with a friend, I was asked how I’ve been doing lately. And what was my response? “Busy.” Busy at church, busy with family, busy with projects at home, etc.
Have you noticed yourself saying a similar reply? “Things are busy at work… My kids are involved in so many activities… It seems like we’re always on the move…”
But we hardly ever honestly say, “I’ve been pretty overwhelmed lately,” or “I’m pretty exhausted. I think I’ve overcommitted,” or “I need to do less.”
Yet saying “no” to things helps us to say “yes” to what’s more important. We might disappoint people, we might miss out on a good thing, we might even feel guilty. But by keeping healthy boundaries and saying “no” to things, we are taking care of ourselves and our families; we’re protecting our time and our heath; we’re showing others how we live out our values.
Grace and Peace,
PS. This Sunday is the pancake breakfast fundraiser for our students who will be travelling to Chicago this summer for a service trip! Food will be available both before and after worship, and all proceeds raised will go directly toward lowering the trips costs for our students. Individual tickets are $5 and family tickets are $20. Donations are also welcome and appreciated! You can give online or through Text-to-Give (844-422-1219), using “Chicago Gift” in the memo line. Thanks in advance, we look forward to seeing you there!
Family Tip of the Week
As a family, discuss your commitments and discern if there’s something you can say “no” to, so that you can say “yes” to something that is more important to you.