CYF Blast June 6, 2024

CYF Blast June 6, 2024

Dear Families and Friends of Peace,

The first week of summer. For many (particularly those under 22, and especially those under 18), it’s a release of the pressure they’ve been feeling for the last nine months, an immediate release valve as their shoulders drop and their worries lighten. 

For others (particularly those with children), the months out of school mean increased family time and more time off, but also the reality of needing to make plans for when you’re working and your kids are… not. 

In summer, there can be a mix of feelings throughout the season. Or, as I’ve learned from watching Daniel Tiger with my son, “Sometimes you feel two feelings at the same time, and that’s okay.” 

For me personally, I am out in Utah this week for a family wedding. We have been very excited for the travel adventures, the time spent with family, and the big celebration—and also anxious about the potential disasters of doing that with a toddler and an infant. 

My prayer for all of us—in the joys and challenges of summer, and the times when things are both at the same time—is that through it all, we would experience the presence of God among us, the Spirit of God around us, and the love of God within us. Because wherever we are, and whatever situations we find ourselves in, there God is with us, every step of the way.

Blessings to all of you as summer begins!

Grace and Peace,
