E-Note August 23, 2024

E-Note August 23, 2024

Dear Peace Members and Friends, 

It’s State Fair time and September is approaching quickly. A reminder: Gathering Sunday is September 8th, including a “Fall Festival” for all ages. More information will follow but mark it on your calendars!  

On Sunday in worship (9:30am), we continue our sermon series, “Ordinary People” with a look at Gideon. When a messenger of the Lord greets him, he is a farmer threshing wheat, and one of God’s people struggling to exist. Gideon is surprised when the angel says to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty warrior.” This pious talk is too much for Gideon and he replies, “But sir, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us?” Ultimately, the young, skeptical farmer Gideon becomes the leader of an army that defeats thousands and Israel survived. Gideon’s question—“Why did God let this happen to me?”—does, too—in our lives. Pastor Joe will tell us about Gideon and God’s answer to Gideon on Sunday. 

We also will have the joy of gathering around the altar for Holy Communion, hearing a Children’s Message, and sharing in fellowship following worship. I look forward to seeing you!  

Last of all, the funeral service for long-time member Rick Glasgow will be here at Peace on Saturday, September 21st at 12 noon; preceded by a visitation from 11:00am. 

See you on Sunday!
