E-note february 21, 2015

E-note february 21, 2015

Dear Peace Members and Friends, 

I know a couple who has a running argument—discussion—on how to say good-bye, say after an evening in someone’s home. He decides when it’s time to go, saying, “Well, this has been wonderful and we wish we could stay, but it’s late and we should be going” and then moves toward the door. She sits there. She knows that it’s late. She wants to go, too. But she feels it’s rude to get up and go, so she remains seated, acting as if leaving has never entered her mind. Meanwhile he is standing by the door. Even when you can agree on how to do it, leaving, parting, is never easy.  

Nevertheless, this Sunday (9:30am) we will say good-bye to Pastor Joe Orner. After some 5 ½ years serving Peace, Pastor Joe is moving on. It’s not easy for him nor us. And so we will ask God to help us do it. The English “good-bye,” the Spanish “Adios,” the French “adieu,” all imply that when we part, in the moments between here and not here, presence and absence, we best give someone to God when we can no longer hold them ourselves. So on Sunday, Pastor Joe will preach, share a Children’s message, lead us in prayer, and then, near the end of worship, we will give thanks to God and pray for him and for all of us on our way from here. “Good-bye” and “God be with you.” 

And then following worship (10:45am), there will be a reception for Pastor Joe in the Fellowship Hall and another opportunity to say, “thank you” and “God be with you.” 

A reminder: the season of Lent is fast approaching (Ash Wednesday is March 5th). As part of our traditional Lenten observance, congregational members contribute a brief daily word and prayer in a Lenten Devotional booklet that will be available to all via email or print. Contributions are still needed for the Lenten devotional booklet are still needed. Instructions and sign-up are available in the church narthex. Thank you! 

See you Sunday! 
