Dear Peace Members and Friends,
We had a good annual meeting last Sunday! Among other church matters, ministry reports were presented, gratitude to many was offered, a budget was passed for 2025 (totaling $776,546), new council members elected (Robin Kennedy, Michelle Stockinger, and Tom Tisthammer), and there was good conversation. My thanks to everyone who attended!
Beginning this Sunday, I’ll be taking some vacation time with my wife, Marcie. Meanwhile, the season of Epiphany continues in worship. Pastor Joe will preach on the famous fishing scene in Luke’s Gospel, there will be a children’s message, the Choir will sing, we’ll share in the Lord’s Supper, and our confirmation youth will be assisting in worship.A good Sunday ahead! I look forward to watching!
In the Adult Education Hour (10:45am), we will welcome to Peace, Allie Carey, who will present on “Stigma and Substance Use Disorder.” This presentation explores the role of stigma and shame that surrounds substance abuse. Come and learn about this struggle and the pathway to treatment and recovery.
Also on Sunday, the Service and Mission Committee will be collecting children and adult winter coats! The donated coats (preferably clean and without stains) will be delivered to an organization called, Reach & Restore in Hopkins. They, in turn, will distribute those coats free to any and all who need them. My thanks ahead of time!
A reminder: the funeral service for long-time Peace member, Bill Neher, will be tomorrow, Saturday, February 6th, at 12 noon. All are welcome.
Last of all, the season of Lent is approaching (Ash Wednesday is March 5th). As part of our traditional Lenten observance, congregational members contribute a brief daily word and prayerin a Lenten Devotional booklet that will be available to all via e-mail or print. Contributions are needed. Instructions and sign-up are available in the church narthex or by calling the church office (952.944.6510). The Lenten Devotional Booklet is a source of encouragement to many others. I thank you ahead of time.
See you Sunday!