Dear Peace Members and Friends,
This past Sunday we bid “Farewell and Godspeed” to Pastor Joe, who resigned as our Associate Pastor and now will be “taking some time to spend with my family as we consider and discern next calls and opportunities.” We wish him well!
And now this puts Peace in a bit of a transition. The mythical Roman god Janus was said to have been “two faced.” The god had one face with which to look backward and another face with which to look forward. That view is not unlike a congregation that is moving on from a pastor. It is important to reflect on the chapter of our history just concluded and to seek to understand where God is calling us to go in the future. It is a time to reflect on the past—all of it—as we make our way forward. Yes, there is a bit of anxiety as we do that. There is grief in the loss of Pastor Joe and some uncertainty, too. However, these next months are also an opportunity for the Church Council, Committees, staff—all of us—to examine our life and ministry together. I and others will keep you posted as we move along together as God’s people into God’s future for us.
Sunday marks atransition in the church year, too. It’s the bridge Sunday between the season of Epiphany and the season of Lent: the commemoration of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. I’ll preach on this mysterious event in a sermon, “Who Are You Listening To?” The Sunday School Singers and the Peace Choir will sing and we’ll share in Holy Communion. And—last but certainly not least—we will welcome as the newest members of Peace, Kris Swan and Don Reller; and John and Kathy Wenn. I’m looking forward to it!
And an added opportunity. In Adult Education we will welcome, via live Zoom link, Eve Byrd from the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia to talk about the continuing legacy of the late, former First Lady, Rosalynn Carter, a long-time champion for the rights of those with mental illness. The Carter Center’s Mental Health Program works to promote awareness about mental health issues, inform public policy, achieve equity for mental health care comparable to other health care, and reduce stigma and discrimination against those with mental illness. An important topic! Join us!
A reminder that next Wednesday, March 5th, is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Unlike the following Wednesdays, there is no dinner this week prior to worship at 6:30pm. I encourage all of you to attend. Also, the printed Lenten Devotions booklet will be available beginning this Sunday. These devotions written by your fellow members will also be sent to you via email daily throughout Lent and Holy Week. I encourage you to take part in this Lenten observance.
See you Sunday!