Dear Peace Members and Friends,
Lenten Midweek worship and fellowship begins tomorrow night with worship at 6:30pm, preceded by dinner being served, beginning at 5:30pm!
One of the purposes of Lent is to focus our lives on following Christ all the way to the new life that his resurrection announces and offers us. One of the important questions of the season is, “What do I need to leave behind to experience this new life?”
One tried and true way to help us answer this question is a trip through the desert. Shortly before he was baptized, Jesus spent 40 days in the desert wilderness. There he learned something about his identity; who he was and who he wasn’t. Israel, too, spent time in the wilderness and also learned some important things about themselves along the way.
On these Lenten Wednesday evenings, we, too, will head to the desert in a series entitled, “Lessons from the Desert.” We will follow Israel’s pilgrimage through from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land. The only way they, and we, can get to this Promised Land is by going through the desert. It turns out that the desert is the place that teaches us, too; about faith and life and following Jesus Christ.
Join us for these Wednesday nights. Again, they begin tomorrow with Holden Evening Prayer worship at 6:30pm, preceded by dinner being prepared and served by various Peace groups and members beginning at 5:30pm.
Join us on this trip through the desert…..and sights of the Promised Land along the way!