Dear Peace members and friends,
In these Sundays between Christmas and Lent, we keep the season of Epiphany. It is the season in which, having just celebrated God’s coming in Jesus Christ, we are now invited to see and experience him. This is the season when, in answer to the question, “Who is God, and what does God want from us?” we are invited, in the words of Philip in Sunday’s Gospel reading, to “come and see” Jesus. “Come and see” the child that has grown up, who has the power to bring light into our darkness, to make us whole, and to give a new kind of life to anybody who turns toward him in faith—even to people such as you and me.
I’ll say more about Jesus, Epiphany, and us in a message in Sunday worship (9:30am) entitled, “Invitations.” We’ll have a Children’s Message from Pastor Joe, share in Holy Communion, and remember in prayer and praise, the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. whose life the church and our country commemorate this Monday. It will be worship to warm our hearts and lives. I look forward to it!
I’m also looking forward to the Adult Education Hour and the second part in a two-part series, “Barbie and Biblical Women,” a video-led discussion from the Episcopal church. Rev. Sarah Kinney Gaventa explores the lives of Eve, Hannah, Esther, and Mary Magdalene, using the move Barbie as a springboard for conversation. In was fun and helpful last week; join on in this Sunday!
It’s the season of Epiphany. At the beginning of his ministry among us Jesus does not condemn nor command; he invites us to join him in the fullness of all that God has for us.
See you Sunday!