E-Note January 17, 2025

E-Note January 17, 2025

Dear Peace Members and Friends, 

Wherever you are, I hope you’re staying warm! I identify with Garrison Keillor when he describes a recent return to Minnesota cold: “Nobody is out for a walk, nobody is hanging out, everyone is heading briskly for a car or for a warm building. And there is no complaining. This is the remarkable thing. Nobody says, “My God, it’s cold out, I have no feeling in my face,” because (1) this is not a personal experience, everyone else is cold too and (2) God is aware of the cold and is hoping it will make you a better person, which God knows it should. Nobody says, “I wish I were in Florida,” because (1) you are not in Florida and (2) there is a reason for you to be in Minnesota, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. You’d be in Phoenix with all the retired cops and teachers and ministers.”

Yes, here we are in wintry Minnesota…..and we have this: an opportunity to worship and be together as God’s people on Sunday. We will hear John’s story of the wedding at Cana. Unlike the other Gospel writers who begin their account of Jesus with stories of preaching, teaching, and healing, the first time we see Jesus in action in John is at a wedding, the party after the wedding! There Jesus does something amazing by changing water into wine. There is, of course, more than meets the eye in this story, what with our tendency to turn the great wine of the good news of Jesus into water. I’ll say more in a message, “The Best for Last.” We willhear a children’s message and share in Holy Communion.

I’m again looking forward to the Adult Education Hour (10:45am). We will continue in our topic, “Christian and Vocation.” We will hear about the work of Ben Hanson, who serves as a teacher in Columbia Heights. We had a lively session last week and this Sunday promises to be the same!

We continue to grieve the deaths of so many loved ones.We mourn with Susan and Todd Bordson the death of Susan’s mother, Beverly Hutchinson; with Joanne Vance and Holly Long the death of their mother, Margaret Rees Schorsch; with Vi Engquist, Milt Lefebvre, and Deb Engquist, friends and family, as they gather together to mourn their son and brother, Mark, at a memorial service tomorrow here at church (1:00pm); and with Deb and Paul Guiher upon the death of Deb’s sister, Cindy Heins; and Ann, Kelly, and Kevin Neher upon the death Wednesday of their husband and father, Bill. We give thanks to God for each one….

Looking ahead, a reminder to you that the Annual Congregational Meeting of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church will be two weeks from Sunday, February 2nd, at 10:45am. At that meeting, 2024 ministry will be reviewed, a proposed budget for 2025 will be discussed and voted upon, and new Council members nominated and elected. All are encouraged to attend!

And next week—Sunday, January 26th at 10:45amthere will be a preview of that meeting. The proposed budget will be presented, the written annual report distributed, and we will spend some time in small groups discussing goals for ministry in 2025. All Peace members are encouraged to attend both gatherings!

This weekend, we join our nation and thousands of churches in honoring and commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr. He is remembered as a leader of civil rights, a Nobel prize winner, and a tireless and non-violent advocate of racial equality. May King’s Christian witness continue to inspire you and me to ever greater faithfulness.

See you Sunday,
