E-Note June 21, 2024

E-Note June 21, 2024

June 21, 2024

Dear Peace Members, 

Believe it or not, I was once a Boy Scout and scouting was, in part, about earning merit badges at summer camp. One of those awards was swimming. And one of the requirements for the badge was to pass a time test treading water. I was pushed off a dock and told, “Keep your head above water.” My fear? I was way, way in over my head.  

In Sunday worship (9:30am), we’re going to hear the famous scene of Jesus in a boat on a stormy sea. The disciples are afraid: they think they’re going to drown. Then Jesus stills the waters. What of us? We’ve all been through storms. Maybe you’re going through one right now. So has God’s people, how did those disciples and how do we keep our heads above the water? I’ll say more in our continuing sermon series, “Following Jesus in Mark’s Gospel” with a message, “At Sea with Jesus.”  

We will also have the privilege of baptizing Sylvie Johnson, the daughter of Kevin and Courtney Farland-Johnson, and Bergen’s sister. An inspiring, meaningful, and helpful Sunday ahead! 

Some Church Council news: At Tuesday’s monthly meeting, Adam Tschida was elected President of the Council; Jason Rich the Vice President; Dave Thoen the Treasurer; and Emily Sidhom the Secretary. Terrific leaders all! 

I realize it’s summer and summertime is often a time to lay back a bit. Yet, our ministry continues. This week, the congregation provided funding and a group of Peace members cooked a meal for the Loaves and Fishes ministry. Yesterday, a couple of families heading out to the Boundary Waters for Family Camp. Vacation Bible School is next week. Keep the members and ministry of Peace in your prayers. Thank you! 

See you Sunday! 
