Dear Peace Members and Friends,
Lenten Midweek worship and fellowship begins tomorrow night with worship at 6:30pm, preceded by dinner being served, beginning at 5:30pm!
All of us know something about pain and suffering. Anyone who has suffered through even one night of deep hurt knows what it’s like to pray for relief. Sometimes the prayer is answered and sometimes it is not. Still, as Christians in those times, we trust that Jesus Christ is present in our suffering.
On these Wednesday evenings, we will look at the pain Jesus’ pain and suffering in the days leading up to Easter, what God is telling us in God’s suffering, and something about our own pain and suffering in a sermon series entitled, “God in Pain: The Suffering of Jesus….and Our Own Suffering.”
Tomorrow night we begin the series with a word about Judas, a disciple of Jesus. His betrayal of Jesus may be one of the most famous in history, not only because of whom he betrays but also because of who he is—not an enemy but one who has been with Jesus since the beginning of his ministry. I’ll say more in a homily, “Judas: The Betrayer Among Us.”
Join us for these Wednesday nights. Again, they begin tomorrow with Holden Evening Prayer worship at 6:30pm, preceded by dinner being prepared and served by various Peace groups and members beginning at 5:30pm.
Join us on this walk through Lent…..walking with Jesus through his suffering and him walking with us through our own.
Grace and Peace,