E-note March 7, 2025

E-note March 7, 2025

Dear Peace Members and Friends, 

Just a reminder: clocks jump ahead one hour early Sunday morning!

On Ash Wednesday we began the season of Lent. Many see this season in the church as year as a grim, merely-to-be-endured time in the church year and understandably so. Lent begins with ashes on our foreheads, reminding us of life’s limits….and our own. Yet that’s exactly why I also see Lent as an opportunity not to be missed; a time to reflect, to act, to grow and to learn as we make our way to Jerusalem alongside Jesus.

And that opportunity continues this Sunday. In worship (9:30am), we have the traditional reading of the temptations of Jesus. In Jesus’ temptations we also live our own and I’ll say more in a message, “Three Crucial Choices for Living Our Lives.” We’ll have a children’s message and celebrate Holy Communion around the altar. Worship; a good, good way to begin Lent.

In Adult Education Hour (10:45am), I’ll say more about Lent in a presentation:“Why Lent?” Come join me to talk about Lent: the origins, themes, practices of Lent, and why we observing Lent can be meaningful for us all.  

This year’s congregational Lenten service project selected by the Service & Mission Committee will be “Diapers and Dollars.” At VEAP, one of the big needs for the underserved are diapers for those of all ages. We can assist in VEAP’s ministry by bringing diapers (children’s and adult diapers) to church. You can also donate caseh toward this effort. If so, you can write a check (please write it to either “Peace Lutheran Church” with “Diaper Drive” in the memo line or write a check directly to VEAP). Checks can be placed in the offering plate or in the display diaper box. Diapers, money, or both, this is an opportunity for us to make a difference in our own community! 

See you Sunday! 
