Dear Peace Members and Friends,
Good morning on this fresh, green spring day!
This Sunday is the 7th, and final, Sunday of the Easter season. Pastor Joe writes, “In worship we will also commemorate the Ascension of Our Lord, focusing on Jesus’ ascension into heaven following his time with the disciples after the resurrection. Before Jesus goes, he reminds the disciples that they are called to be witnesses to Him. And afterward, they are encouraged to put their faith into action for the good of others.” Pastor Joe will say more in a message called, “You Are Witnesses.” We’ll share in the Lord’s Supper and again enjoy music on our new piano.
This Sunday will be final Sunday Adult Education Hour (10:45) of this academic year. We will conclude our multi-week series on youth, mental health, and community and school safety. Joining us this Sunday in person will be Sandy Mortensen, current therapist and former Bloomington Public Schools counselor who will conclude the Teen Mental Illness discussion that we began in April. Please join us for this important topic.
In other Peace news, at this week’s Church Council meeting, the following members were elected as church officers for one-year terms: Connor Myhre, President; Adam Tschida, Vice President; Jason Rich, Treasurer; and Dave Thoen, Secretary. Our gratitude to them and to the entire Council for their leadership at Peace!
Our ongoing ministry with VEAP continues. Each week our donation bin is generously filled and refilled with most-needed items such as: laundry detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, dish soap, and personal care items (shampoo, toothpaste hand soap, shaving cream, and toiletries). There are two additional programs being promoted by VEAP—a VEAP Giving Garden and their Summer Youth Volunteer Program. More information can be found in Sunday’s bulletin and in the fireside area.
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
–Daina Sivanich