E-note September 6, 2024

E-note September 6, 2024

Dear Peace Members and Friends, 

Kids are back to school, vacations are ending, and we’re getting ready for an exciting fall at Peace! We celebrate this weekend with Gathering Sunday! Following worship all are invited outdoors for a Fall Kickoff Festival. We’ll have food, games, and activities.   

In worship (9:30), after a summer of sermon series’, we return to the Gospel of Mark. In some ways, its message is simple. In the very first verse of the very first chapter of Mark, we are told the whole summary the story that follows: “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” For the remaining chapters of Mark we read about what Jesus Christ being the Son of God means for us. Hint: Mark says that this is the “beginning of the good news.” Who is part of the continuing “good news of Jesus Christ”? You and me! We’ll pick up in Mark’s Gospel with the story of Jesus’ healing the deaf and mute man and a sermon entitled, “The Sound of the Gospel.”   

Further, the Peace Choir is back, we will share in the Lord’s Supper, and, last but certainly not least, we will bless and pray for students and teachers, we begin a new year of educational ministry. 

Gathering Sunday is always a great day. I look forward to seeing you!  Mark