The most sought after items at VEAP continue to be laundry detergent, personal care items, paper towels, and toilet paper; there is never enough to meet the demand. So this year, during the Minnesota FoodShare Campaign we are going to concentrate our efforts on these most needed items.
Minnesota Food Share is the largest grassroots food and fund drive in the state. VEAP is a participant.
Our campaign will run from Sunday February 18th, through Palm Sunday, March 24th.
In addition to the most wanted items, we’ll collect money for food; VEAP can buy at a discount, getting 7 to 10 times the amount of food we can buy with our dollars.
So, let’s fill the Narthex with these most needed items. If you choose to give money, write a check to Peace Lutheran Church with ‘Food Drive’ or ‘VEAP’ in the memo line.
Detergent, money, or both, this is an opportunity for us to make a difference in our own community.
—Service & Mission Committee