Giving Overview

Giving Overview

There are many ways to support Peace and its mission; your time, your talents and also your gifts.  The list below describes the many ways that you can share your financial gifts with Peace.  Your gifts and support of the Peace and its mission are always very much appreciated.   

If you have any questions or would like assistance with giving, please contact Lori Thomson at the church office, 952-944-6510 or by email,

Vanco Services

Vanco offers Peace members a couple of different ways to give electronically.

  • Online:  This automated giving program designed to help you conveniently and consistently contribute through a preauthorized withdrawal from your financial institution OR by credit card.  There are no fees to participate but if you are using a credit card, you can elect to contribute toward the credit card fees. An account can be set up by visiting the Peace website and selecting the Give Online button on the home page (or under the Give menu button). You will set up an account and password.  You can then have your donation, one time or recurring, sent from a bank account or by credit card. You manage all aspects of your donations via your account and can access your account and make changes at any time.
  • Text to give:  You asked for it…a simpler way to give for those who don’t carry checks or credit cards.  The church name is Peace Lutheran Church and the 10-digit GivePlus Text Number is: 844-422-1219.  Here are 4 simple steps to sign up:
    • Enter the 10-digit GivePlus Text number and the amount you wish to give and press send.
    • You will receive a registration link. Click the link and enter your contact and payment information and tap “Process.”
    • After registration is complete, you will receive a verification text as well as a receipt via email.
    • For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you wish to give, and it will process automatically.


Offering envelopes are located in the pew backs.  These envelopes can be placed in the offering baskets during the worship Service.  Envelopes can be sent to you ahead of time if you like to prepare before church.  If you would like Peace to send you envelopes, please call the office at 952-944-6510 or email Lori Thomson,  Let us know your giving schedule (i.e., weekly, monthly) and we will send you the appropriate number of envelopes.  These envelopes can be put into the offering basket during worship or mailed to the church.

Automatic electronic payments or checks sent from your financial institution

Check directly with your bank or financial institution for the options that you may have and the instruction on how to set this up. 

Stock or Mutual Fund Donations

If you are interested in this option, please contact Lori Thomson at the church office, 952-944-6510 or by email,