

Service and Mission

We meet the regularity or as needed and welcome new members. 

For more information about our committee or projects, contact Kris Holm or Joanne Vance.

Worship and Music

The Worship and Music committee supports the mission of Peace by providing input to the Senior Pastor and Worship Director regarding all aspects of worship.  The committee gathers input and feedback from the congregation with regard to worship and music at Peace This ensures that Peace provides and continues to provide a rich, meaningful worship experience for all. times.

We meet as needed and are always open to new members.

For more information, contact Pastor Mark Nelson at,, 952-944-6510.

Children, Youth and Family

The Children, Youth and Family committee supports the mission, vision and values of Peace Lutheran Church by providing a vibrant, extensive programming that engages, teaches, mentors, and entertains our children and youth in a wholesome Christian environment, from preschool through young adulthood.  We also seek to provide programming, activities and learning that allows families to grow together, within the Peace congregation and within the greater community.  

We meet as needed and are always open to new members.

For more information, contact Pastor Mark Nelson at,, 952-944-6510