Welcome to Peace! We’re glad you’re here, and we invite you to partner with us in growing a community that nurtures a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
We offer one Sunday worship service that begins at 9:30am, and lasts about an hour.
In worship you’ll hear familiar hymns and liturgy grounded in our Lutheran tradition. Our services also include relevant and applicable preaching, children’s messages, prayer, and Holy Communion. We kindly ask that guests all worshippers please silence their cell phones and devices during the service.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion is offered nearly every Sunday year round.
Our understanding is that Jesus gives of himself in the bread and wine and invites us to receive it for the forgiveness of sin. All are welcome at His table to receive the bread and wine or a blessing.
Both wine and white grape juice are available. Individual glasses are used. We also have gluten free/wheat free/corn free/soy free wafer. If you prefer this type, please identify yourself when receiving Communion.
Please come forward using the center aisle forming two lines and return to your seat using the side aisle. If you are unable to come forward to receive Communion, notify an usher and the bread and wine/grape juice will be brought to you. Children of all ages are invited to receive communion, and can receive a blessing if they’d like instead.
Children and Communion
First communion can, and does, happen at many different ages throughout congregations of the ELCA. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s set of priorities for the practices of word and sacrament, The Use of the Means of Grace, notes that, “There is no command from our Lord regarding the age at which people should be…first communed.” (38B).
Parents may bring their children of all ages to the chancel for either a blessing or to partake in Communion.
Children in Worship
We invite all children to participate in worship—this is a place for families of all shapes, sizes, and ages to grow in their faith together. We have activity bags available, and you can feel free to enjoy the narthex area if your child needs some extra room to roam during worship. There are speakers in this area so that parents may continue to listen to the worship service.
A staffed Nursery is also available during worship in the lower level for infants up to age 5. We ask you to sign your child in and we have pagers available so that we can reach you if need be.
First Time Guests at Peace
First time guests are encouraged to fill out a blue Connection Card located in the pew pocket and place it in the offering basket during the worship service. Doing so helps us acknowledge your presence at Peace in a more meaningful way.
After Worship
After worship, please join us in the Parish Hall for coffee, treats, and fellowship!
From 10:45-11:45am, we offer and engaging Education Hour.
Adult Education covers a wide range of rotating topics from September through May in our Parish Hall.
Sunday School is also offered for for children ages 4 through Fifth Grade. Please register your child in advance. You can complete the registration form here.
Middle School youth (6th-8th Grade) and High School youth are invited to join the Adult Education group in the Parish Hall or volunteer as leaders in the Sunday School classrooms.