Adult Evening Bible Study
Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm
Led by Pastor Mark Nelson
We will resume meeting on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Our weekly studies will follow the readings and Gospel assigned for the following Sunday; from scenes of Jesus’ early life (his baptism, his first miracle at the wedding in Cana, his inaugural sermon in Nazareth, his hometown), to Paul’s firm but graceful letter to a community at odds with itself (1 Corinthians), to what it all means for us to walk with the living Lord. A lively time is had by all and everyone is welcome any or all Wednesdays!
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
- Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30am, year-round.
- We meet at Peace in the fireside area.
This ongoing study of the Bible is a guided discussion self-led by group members and concludes with prayer. This Bible study is open to everyone. Whether you’ve been a longtime member of Peace, a newer member, a visitor or a friend of Peace, all are welcome anytime to come and join this group of early risers.