Confirmation & Middle School

Confirmation & Middle School

Peace’s Middle School Youth program is for kids in 6th – 8th grade. The cornerstone of this program is Confirmation, a three-year program that follows the school year (see at a glance chart below for details and dates).

You can register here for Sunday School, Confirmation, and/or High School Youth all in this one form.

Remember to check the bulletins, Partners newsletter and our upcoming events page for additional opportunities for service fellowship and more!

If you have questions or need a schedule, please contact Pastor Mark Nelson at 952-944-6510 or


Confirmation is central to our congregation’s mission of “Growing a community that nurtures a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.” Confirmation gives us the opportunity to form community while we strengthen our relationships to God and one another.

Throughout our three-year program, we hope Peace is and will continue to be a community for your student to question, challenge, celebrate, and experience all of the amazing ways that God shows God’s love for us.

The Bible is full of amazing stories from our ancestors in the faith, yet sometimes they can seem strange and distant when we read them today. But questions and conversations regarding conflict, family, leadership, social justice, doubt, and hope have never been more relevant! As we explore both the Old and New Testaments and dig into our theme, “My Story,” we’ll continue to discover together how our stories are all tied in with God’s story.

Confirmation will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm. The 2024-2025 schedule and start date will be announced soon. All 6th-8th graders (members and non-members) are welcome to register!



Middle School Youth can participate in a number of congregational service projects. All Confirmation students are expected to participate as a service assistant twice during the year. They can greet, assist with ushering, lector, and assist with communion.

Outside service projects can range from food packing events such as Harvest Pack, Feed My Starving Children to organizing donations at Arc Value Village.


We plan fun events for our Confirmation students too! Those can range from puzzling our way out of an escape room to mini-golf to a weekend Confirmation retreat.

Watch for more information in our Sunday bulletin, Partners newsletter, Children, Youth and Family Blast, or check our website!