Share your gifts of hospitality on Sunday morning! A way to serve at Peace is our Service Assistant Program. We’re looking for Greeters, Ushers, Lectors, Communion Servers, and Hospitality Set Up & Servers.
Interested? It’s easy! You may join at any time by contacting the church office or, sign up with the Time and Talents Survey found here. Once the form is complete you can to drop it off in the staff office area, drop it in the offering plate on Sunday, email it to Daina Sivanich, or mail it to the church.
Greeters arrive 15 minutes prior to the assigned worship service and stand by the front doors to welcome and and greet incoming Peace members and visitors.
Ushers arrive 15 minutes prior to worship to distribute Sunday bulletins outside the sanctuary doors. You will also be asked to count attendance, distribute the offering plate, and let rows of worshipers know when to go forward to receive communion.
Lectors read the assigned Sunday reading. The reading will be forwarded to you mid-late week prior to your assigned Sunday.
Communion Assistants
Communion Assistants prepare the communion trays prior to worship and set the altar with communion wine and bread. Assist the pastor with distribution of the wine and collection of empty communion cups. After worship, wash up the communion trays.
Donut Pick Up
Donuts are ready for pick up Sunday mornings at 7:30am at Jerry’s Foods in Eden Prairie. This person picks them up and brings them to Peace for the hosts to prepare for fellowship.
Sunday Hosts
Sunday Hosts set up the coffee and treats for our fellowship time between services. Hosts set out the donuts and napkins, coffee cups and glasses, sugar and cream, and apple juice. You can find the host instructions here. You may call the church office to see which Sundays are available.
We enjoy when people observe a special occasion with their Peace family and bring in special treats. Please call the church office to make arrangements. It’s a great ministry!
How Do I Sign Up?
Service assistants are scheduled on a quarterly basis: September-November, December-February, March-May, June-August. You may select which seasons you would like to participate and position(s) of interest. Prior to scheduling for a season, we contact participants to determine Sunday availability.
You may join at any time by contacting the church office or, sign up with the Time and Talents Survey found here. Once the form is complete you can to drop it off in the staff office area, drop it in the offering plate on Sunday, email it to Daina Sivanich, or mail it to the church.