

The music at Peace is uplifting, engaging, and relevant. You’ll find the music supports the church calendar, readings and the weekly sermon.

Traditional hymns are sung as well as cross-cultural hymns from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) hymnal. The Peace Choir participates in three of four services each month. We incorporate members’ talents as soloists or musicians either as special music during the service, or as background supporting a melody or rhythm on a hymn.

Enjoy…you’ll like what you hear!

Opportunities For You to Participate in Music

Peace Choir
The Peace Choir sings three of four Sundays each month from September through May. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings starting at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.

Peace Summer Singers
Peace Summer Singers sing 5-6 Sundays between June and August with a “come to rehearsal at 8:45am, sing at 9:30am” expectation. You don’t have to make more than a “I can be there this Sunday” commitment. All ages welcome!

Bell Choir
This ensemble plays during several services throughout the year such as Transfiguration of Our Lord and All Saints’ Day. Participants are asked to attend several rehearsals prior to a specific Sunday.

Peace Symphonic Winds
The Peace Symphonic Winds play twice a year on Palm Sunday and Reformation Sunday. We generally have one rehearsal the Saturday prior to performing. All instruments welcome!

Do you have an instrument that you would like to play in church? And you’ve been holding out on us all this time?! Would you like to sing for the congregation? Whether you are interested in performing a solo or as a duet or playing in the background (such as supporting the melody or rhythm on a hymn), there is an opportunity for you! Instruments of all types and vocalists are welcome.

Sunday School Singers
Our Sunday School Singers (Pre-K through 5th Grade) sing once a month during the school worship year during worship. They rehearse during Sunday School.

How Can I Participate?

Please send Lori Thomson, an email to let her know of your interest.