E-notes (Page 6)

E-notes (Page 6)

E-Note February 2, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends, This Sunday in worship (9:30am) is the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany. Pastor Joe writes, “The season of Epiphany celebrates Jesus’ physical presence among us—that God became manifest through Jesus in the flesh. The season started with the wisemen following the star to see Jesus in Bethlehem, and this Sunday we’ll hear the story of Jesus healing the disciple Simon’s mother-in-law, and then a whole town. It reminds us, as the Apostle Paul described in his…

E-Note January 26, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends, It’s a big Sunday ahead! The Annual Congregational Meeting of Peace Lutheran Church will take place in the Parish Hall, beginning at 10:45am. At this meeting, both a proposed budget for 2024 and new Council members will be voted upon; Pastors’, Committees, and President’s reports will be offered. All members of Peace are encouraged to attend! Before the meeting we will gather for worship (9:30am). As we near the end of the church season of…

E-Note January 19, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends, He said to me: “Have you heard any good news lately?” I paused. I had to think. And my first response was, “Well, no—no I haven’t.” I had to admit that I hadn’t heard any good news on TV or read any in the newspapers. That’s why, when I read this Sunday’s gospel that begins, “…Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God,….,” my reaction was, “What is it? I want to know!”…

E-Note January 12, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends, In these Sundays between Christmas and Lent, we keep the season of Epiphany. It is the season in which, having just celebrated God’s coming in Jesus Christ, we are now invited to see and experience him. This is the season when, in answer to the question, “Who is God, and what does God want from us?” we are invited, in the words of Philip in Sunday’s Gospel reading, to “come and see” Jesus. “Come and…

E-Note January 5, 2024

January 5, 2024 Dear Peace members and friends, Today is the twelfth and final day of Christmas. Tomorrow—January 6th—the Christian calendar turns to a new season: Epiphany. On Sunday, we will celebrate this new season with—a day after—“The Epiphany of Our Lord.” The word “epiphany” can mean manifestation, revelation, appearance, insight, enlightenment, or a shining forth. Epiphany begins with the story of the Magi. You know it. These astrologers, magicians follow a brilliant star to the place of Jesus’ birth…

E-Note December 29, 2023

Dear Peace members and friends, The excitement and festivities of Christmas are largely over. Even some of those Christmas decorations are already put away! Now is a good time for us to ponder the meaning of the coming of God in the flesh, Jesus Christ. Christ has been born in Bethlehem. But what has changed? We go back to our routines. And yet, in the world, it’s New Year’s Eve weekend. As the old year ends and the new year…

E-Note December 22, 2023

Dear Peace members and friends, “You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy; in your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” —Psalm 16:11 When I went to the Shrine Circus in grade school there were, of course, clowns. I remember the clown car pulling into the main ring. And the clowns would come piling out, one after another after another after another. How many clowns can fit inside of a tiny clown car? Enough to…

E-Note December 15, 2023

Dear Peace members and friends, I’m looking forward to Sunday and one of the highlights of the year: the Children’s Christmas program (9:30am). Actually it’s more than that! It’s less a program than it is worship. The participants are not only children, but the Peace Choir and all of us gathered together. Though it is still Advent, we will get to hear the Christmas story told and sung about by the children of the congregation. They have been working hard on their parts and they are excited! Join us for a wonderful…

E-Note December 8, 2023

Dear Peace members and friends, It was terrific to see so many of you at Advent worship on Wednesday. To gather this time of year in the evening; to share a meal and conversation; to worship quietly—well, it was wonderful, thank you! Advent evening worship (6:30pm) and a light meal (5:30-6:15pm) continue this coming Wednesday, December 13th. Join in! Coming up this weekend is the Third Sunday of Advent. In the Gospels, there are two main Advent characters: John the Baptist and Mary, the mother of Jesus. Last Sunday, John the Baptist was…

E-Note December 1, 2023

Dear Peace members and friends, Coming up this weekend is the Second Sunday of Advent. We will mark the progress of Advent by lighting a second candle on the Advent wreath. The candles represent the coming of Jesus, the Light of the World. Zechariah says as much in the Gospel: “By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness…..” We will continue our sermon series, “Heaven to Earth” with that theme of light.…

E-Note November 24, 2023

Dear Peace members and friends, Thanksgiving Day is past and, all of sudden, Advent and Christmas are upon us. This year, with the 4th Sunday of Advent on Christmas Eve Day, we decided to jump ahead on many church calendars and begin Advent this coming Sunday. I love Advent; the promise and hope in it. I love the weeks of preparation. I love the anticipation of the celebration of Christmas. Advent in church begins with the hymn, “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence.” The hymn has a deep,…

E-Note – ThanksGiving 2023

Dear Peace members and friends, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I hope this holiday is a blessed one for you; even in the midst of whatever challenges you are facing. As I write that, I think of Paul’s words: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).” My response? “Really, Paul? Really?” Every day there are reasons not to feel grateful and not to give…