E-Note March 8, 2024

E-Note March 8, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends,

First of all, remember the time change this Sunday–clocks are set forward!

“Is it still Lent?” they asked, (emphasis on “still”), with a certain amount of weariness. “When is Easter, again?” Unspoken was the thought, “Enough of this Lent stuff—crosses and sin and its consequences—let’s get to the good stuff; the Good News of Jesus’s resurrection, Easter hymns, and lilies!” I understand.

And so, for hundreds of years, has the church. On this coming 4th Sunday of Lent, as we head with Jesus toward Jerusalem and the cross, we pause for what was sometimes referred to as “Refreshment Sunday.” Since the Middle Ages this Sunday has been a time for fruitcakes and refreshment, a brief hold in Lent to put the cross in proper context. The Gospel text for the day reads, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…..for God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him” (John 3:16-17). God loved the world, loved so much that he gave. Not to condemn but to save, John says. Not to condemn.

In the middle of Lent, John reminds us of why we’re here. We are on the way, not because of what we have done, or left undone, but because of what God has done. Now we remember. It was love that put us on this path. We are not here as the lost but as the found. It was out of love that Jesus came among us, and stood beside us, and died with us, for us, and saved us. Love.

So we celebrate “Refreshment Sunday,” of a sort this Sunday. Pastor Joe will preach on the life-giving Gospel from John. We’ll gather around the table of the Lord. The Peace Choir and the Sunday School Singers will sing. We’ll thank God for all God does for us. Join in!

In the Adult Education Hour (10:45am) we’ll have the second part of a two-part discussion on “Antisemitism.” Join us for this important subject!

A reminder: the funeral service for Virginia Johnson will be tomorrow, March 9th, at 11:00am. All are welcome.

Thanks to the many who came out for last Wednesday’s Holden Evening Prayer Lenten worship. A reminder that worship is from 6:30-7:00pm and is preceded by dinner served from 5:30-6:15pm.

Yes, Lent is only half over. There are more days for honesty about all the ways we betray so great a love. But as we continue on, let us take John’s words with us: it was not for condemnation that Jesus was sent to us, but for love. He waves us on, not to condemn, but to save.

See you Sunday! Remember the time change!
