E-Note – Lent – February 27, 2024

E-Note – Lent – February 27, 2024

Dear Peace Members and Friends,

Lenten Midweek worship and fellowship continues tomorrow night with worship at 6:30pm, preceded by dinner being served, beginning at 5:30pm!

One long time tradition of Lent is to focus on the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ—the events, the people—and its meaning for our lives. And that’s what we are doing this year, in a sermon series entitled, “God in Pain: The Suffering of Jesus….and Our Own Suffering.”

Tomorrow night we will hear about a word about the Roman governor in Jesus’ time, Pontius Pilate. In Jesus’ trial before Pilate it’s hard to tell who exactly is the case against; Jesus or is it Pilate? Ultimately, the arrested Jesus more or less pardons the judge Pilate, saying, “You have no authority over me.” So who is to blame for Jesus’ death, anyway? And what does it mean for us? I’ll say more tomorrow evening.

Join us again on this walk through Lent…..walking with Jesus through his suffering and him walking with us through our own.

Grace and Peace,
