CYF Blast March 14, 2024

CYF Blast March 14, 2024

Dear Families and Friends of Peace,

Our Pancake Brunch Fundraiser is this weekend, and our students are so excited to welcome and host you all!

Every dollar raised will go directly to our students to help lower the financial burden on them as we prepare to travel to New Orleans for this summer’s ELCA National Youth Gathering. 

Food will be served before the service from 8:30-9:15am and after worship from 10:30-11:30am. Sunday School will start at 11:00am instead of 10:45am to give kids enough time to enjoy as well. If you’d like to help support them, brunch tickets can be purchased on Sunday at our table in the narthex. 

At that table, you can also partner with our students through Gathering Gifts. The premise is similar to the annual ELCA Good Gifts campaign—but instead of being able to purchase cows and goats, you can buy a student’s lunch, plane ticket, hotel stay, etc. Click here to see the available choices! We invite you to choose a Gift, write a note of encouragement, and make a donation to support our youth.

I’m incredibly thankful to say that, thanks to your generosity, we are just over 80% of the way to our $5,000 fundraising goal. Will you help us reach or surpass that goal by giving a financial gift this weekend?

Thank you in advance for your care and your investment in our young people. We are so grateful for your willingness to walk alongside them in faith and life!

Grace and Peace,
