CYF Blast September 7, 2023

CYF Blast September 7, 2023

Dear Peace Parents and Families,

Gathering Sunday is this weekend, and I am so excited to begin the new year of ministry together. We will kick it off with worship at 9:30am, a brief Sunday School Preview immediately following worship, and a Fall Kickoff Festival in the upper parking lot at 10:45am. We’ll have snow cones, walking tacos, and plenty of games. Everyone is invited—we hope you can make it!

And as we move into the fall season, I want to extend two invitations to you. 

First, I want to invite you to engage in the life of our congregation—just a little bit more than you have in the past. Whether it’s attending an additional Sunday morning of worship each month, staying for the education hour, joining a Bible Study, teaching Sunday School, serving with Loaves and Fishes, participating in a monthly CYF event, or making time to reach out to fellow congregation members—accept the invitation and take the initiative to engage here at Peace a little more this fall. You’ll be glad you did—I guarantee it!

Second, I encourage you to invite someone else to worship or to participate in our ministries too.

Maybe it’s your nextdoor neighbors. Maybe it’s your parents. Maybe it’s one of your children’s friends from school or a family from their new team. Maybe it’s a friend from Peace that you haven’t seen here in awhile. People come when they’re invited and when they know who’s going to be there. And it will be an invitation they’ll want to accept when you share with them why Peace is so special to you and how you’ve grown in faith and in community through your involvement here.

Because we know that community makes a difference—in our own lives and in the lives of our neighbors—and that the Holy Spirit is present with us when we gather. 

So I hope you’ll accept the invitation and share it too, because there’s faith to be formed, community to build, and relationships to strengthen. And at Peace, there’s something here for everyone—and an open seat just for you.

It’s going to be a great year, and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Grace and Peace,
