E-Note June 23, 2023

E-Note June 23, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace,

It’s a busy wedding weekendI’m writing from Nebraska City, Nebraska because this afternoon, Andrew Cross (the son of Deb and Gene Cross) will be married to Megan Olson. And tomorrow, in Minneapolis, Tim Platt (the son of Anita and Jim Platt) will be married to Ashley Enke. It’s a grand day for two wonderful couples, their families and friends, and sign of God’s grace to all. After all, Jesus’ first miracle was at a wedding, a wedding in Cana!

This Sunday in worship (9:30am) we conclude our sermon series on the Apostles’ Creed with Pastor Joe’s message on the third portion of the Creed and another of God’s gifts to us, “I believe in the Holy Spirit.” Along with the sermon, we will have a children’s message and share in Holy Communion.

This next week is also an exciting week in the life of the congregation; it’s Vacation Bible School week. For the first time in many years, this joint effort with Community of the Cross Lutheran Church will take place at Peace. Thank you for your continued support in children’s ministry at Peace and thank you for your prayers on behalf of all the kids and staff this week for a blessed week together.

See you on Sunday!
