E-Note October 13, 2023

E-Note October 13, 2023

October 13, 2023

Dear Peace members and friends,

As this week has gone on, we have been shocked and heartbroken as we have learned of the increasing violence of the conflict between Hamas and Israel and the growing number of deaths and injuries. At the end of this e-note there are some comments and a prayer that I encourage you to pray for those in Israel/Palestine.

This Sunday we continue our sermon series, “The Hard Sayings of Jesus.” I think one of the hardest things about being a Christian is to live in such a way that goes against my deepest instincts. Nowhere does Jesus say, “Do what comes naturally”! And nothing then is more unnatural than Jesus’ command to forgive. I’ll say more in the message entitled, You Must Forgive.” Pastor Joe will offer children’s message, we will welcome guest accompanist, Susan Steincross and share in Holy Communion.

We will also welcome wonderful new members to Peace: Harold and Carol Conradi, Mary Hanson, Bob and Mickey Larson, and John and Josefina Zech. I’m looking forward to Sunday! Either in person or online, join in!

Last week in Adult Education, we spent some time reviewing ministry, primarily by way of an individual survey of ministry. If you weren’t able to fill one out (they are anonymous!), please pick up one in the Narthex, fill it out here or at home, and get it back to us. Thank you!

This week in Adult Education, we’ll have the first of a two-part series on the life and ministry of the 20th century German pastor, martyr, prophet, and spy, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. We’ll get an overview of his life and witness from the author of a recent Bonhoeffer biography, Eric Metaxas. In 4 video clips over two Sundays, he will help us discover the major themes of Bonhoeffer’s writing and speaking and how he not only helped transform an entire faith community in Germany during World War II, but how his beliefs continue to impact the Christian faith of people throughout the world even today. I encourage everyone to join in!

A reminder to all adults: the Second Annual “Name That Tune Music Trivia Night” will be tomorrow at 6:00pm. Test your musical knowledge from the 60’s through the 90’s with D.J. Bob Roeglin! Further information can be found at the bottom of this e-note.

Another reminder: the annual Halloween activity, “Trunk or Treat,” is fast-approaching. On Saturday, October 28th from 3:30-4:30pm, all kids are invited to attend and adults of all ages are invited to decorate their car trunks and give out candy, pencils, or stickers. Sign-up and further information is also at the bottom of this e-note.

I want to end by asking you to pray for, and be a source of encouragement to, those in Israel/Palestine itself as well as your any of your neighbors who are Jewish or Palestinian. I began the week angered and grieving the horrible evil done by Hamas to Israelis and I am finishing the week watching the increasing and indiscriminate retaliation inflicted upon Palestinian Christian and Muslim women, men, and children unrelated to Hamas, as well as the news of a coming assault into Gaza. As someone who has lived in Jerusalem, violence in that part of the world has faces and names for me. I mourn the lives threatened and lost.

So I encourage all of you to pray: for the hostages; for families of the innocent civilians whose lives were lost; for all the injured and traumatized; pray for restraint and that diplomatic solutions are found and more civilian deaths are avoided; and pray for the day when a lasting compromise solution has been arrived at, whereby Palestinians and Israelis live at peace with one another.

Here is a prayer you can begin with: “God, our refuge and strength, you have bound us together in a common life. In all our conflicts, help us to confront one another without hatred or bitterness, to listen for your voice amid competing claims, and to work together with mutual forbearance and respect; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (Evangelical Lutheran Worship).

Let’s pray, but let’s also act by reaching out to those Jews and Palestinians we may know to express care for them.

People of Peace, I am grateful for all of you.

See you Sunday,
