Blogs And Devotionals (Page 17)
CYF Blast September 21, 2023
Dear Peace Parents and Families, I’m so grateful to those of you who attended Sunday’s education session on teen mental health. As someone who has worked with students for over a decade, I can’t emphasize enough how important an issue it is for them and needs to be for you. For those who weren’t able to attend, mental health has been declining in the United States—across all ages and demographics—for decades. But it has been particularly poignant among American teenagers. …
E-Note September 15, 2023
Dear Peace members and friends, It was terrific to see so many of you last Sunday! Children and families gathered inside and outside as we began the Sunday School year. The Peace Choir blessed us in worship. The smiling faces! All in all, a great Sunday; thank you to all! This Sunday, we continue the sermon series, “Church and Community.” As you know, when Jesus called the disciples to “follow me,” he called them not just as individuals, but as a group. You and I have been…
CYF Blast September 14, 2023
Dear Peace Parents and Families, Thank you to everyone who made Gathering Sunday and our Fall Kickoff Festival so fun! It warmed my heart to see all the smiling faces, hear all the laughs and good conversations, and feel all of the positive and Spirit-filled energy. As we look ahead and move forward into the fall, there will be plenty more opportunities to grow in faith and community—for all ages. On Sundays we have worship, fellowship time, adult education, Sunday…
E-Note September 8, 2023
Dear Peace members and friends, Kids are back to school, vacations are ending, and we’re getting ready for an exciting fall at Peace! We celebrate this weekend with Gathering Sunday! Following worship (9:30am), adults can make their way to Parish Hall for an extended time of fellowship and a preview of fall ministry. And, after a brief welcome and introduction to Sunday School in the Sanctuary, families and children will head outdoors for a Fall Kickoff Festival. We’ll have walking tacos, snow cones, games, and activities. I’m also excited to be back in…
CYF Blast September 7, 2023
Dear Peace Parents and Families, Gathering Sunday is this weekend, and I am so excited to begin the new year of ministry together. We will kick it off with worship at 9:30am, a brief Sunday School Preview immediately following worship, and a Fall Kickoff Festival in the upper parking lot at 10:45am. We’ll have snow cones, walking tacos, and plenty of games. Everyone is invited—we hope you can make it! And as we move into the fall season, I want…
E-Note September 1, 2023
Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, It’s Labor Day weekend (more about Labor Day in a moment) and I’m looking forward to worship this Sunday. Pastor Joe will conclude his sermon series on, “The Good Life” with a message on “joy.” I’ll have a children’s message, and we will celebrate God’s grace around the table with others in Holy Communion. A reminder: Gathering Sunday, the day that begins a full slate of ministry at Peace (including Sunday School), is next Sunday, September 10th. Mark it on your calendar! Yes, it is Labor Day weekend and on…
CYF Blast August 31, 2023
Dear Peace Parents and Families, There are a lot of exciting things happening at Peace in the coming weeks, and we want you to be a part of them! Here’s a brief taste of what’s to come: And to make these wonderful ministries possible, we need your help! Each one needs dedicated leaders who care about our young people and their faith formation. Because when you serve in our Children, Youth, and Family ministries, you are making a big difference in…
E-Note August 25, 2023
Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, Well, it’s State Fair time. And the ELCA posted this limerick on a Facebook page: Fair season is upon us so here is a Doxology:O Lord protect this festivalThe riders as they rise and fall.The jams and pickles and the pies. Competing for the first grand prize. O Lord we thank thee for this food,When we are in a cheese curd mood.For Pronto Pups and onion ringsDoughnuts and other deep-fried things.Praise God from whom all blessings flowPraise him…
CYF Blast August 24, 2023
Dear Peace Parents and Families, For Bloomington schools, school starts next week. As I’ve done in previous years, I’d like to share this prayer, “A Prayer for the First Day of School,” for all of our students, parents, teachers, and education workers as they prepare to begin this exciting new season. “O God of new beginnings, as this child begins this new school year, we are reminded that they are Yours and Yours alone. We have filled their backpack, and…
E-Note August 18, 2023
Dear Peace Members, What makes a good life? How would you answer that question? Not just life in the abstract. But what makes your life good? Every day we are faced with stories and suggestions about how to live our best life now, so many of which are shallow at best and life-diminishing at worst. And yet; yet, there is something about how we live and the choices we make and the habits we nurture that point toward something meaningful. How do we live without…
CYF Blast August 17, 2023
Dear Peace Parents and Families, It was great to see so many of you this last Sunday as I returned from my parental leave. Reilly and I welcomed our son, Cameron, into the world on June 29, which also happened to be the last day of Vacation Bible School. I’m grateful to everyone who cared for us at the hospital, and to everyone who helped make our “Stellar” VBS such a blast! The six weeks of my parental leave that…
E-Note August 11, 2023
Dear Peace Members, After some time away, I’m looking forward to being with you on Sunday. Before saying more about that, however, a word of thanks to Rev. Alan Loose for leading worship last week. I know that many of you share with me gratitude for Alan and his presence among us. Thanks, Alan! There’s a bit of a reunion this Sunday. I’m back and participating in worship and Pastor Joe also returns to worship following his paternity leave. A summer Peace Choir group will offer an…