Blogs And Devotionals (Page 19)
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week June 22, 2023
Dear Peace Families, VBS Begins Monday, and it’s going to be a STELLAR week at Peace! We have 57 children between Peace, Community of the Cross, and the Bloomington community who will be attending VBS at Peace! And to make VBS happen, we have 35 volunteers helping throughout the four days! “Stellar” is our outer-space-themed curriculum that rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure and is full of faith-building fun. Throughout the week, students will travel with their crews to different stations that help…
E-Note June 16, 2023
Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, There is so much bad news in the world. Sometimes it seems like bad news is the only news. Except, we do have good news: He is risen! In a world without much of it, we’ve been given good news: Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. And on the basis of that good news, we can hope in a future on his making and we can take joy, that in spite of news to the contrary,…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week June 15, 2023
Dear Peace Families,Tomorrow, our group of travelers will return home from their week in Chicago, where they’ve been spending time serving others and exploring the city. Led by their amazing leaders, Lori Thomson and Ann Losinski, they’ve had a great week growing in their understanding of what it means to love others because God first loved us.Here’s a brief summary of what they’ve been up to this week:On Sunday, the group tracked over 21,000 steps as they adventured through the…
E-Note June 9, 2023
Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, I hope your summer is off to a great start! Graduations, weddings, vacations, and warm weather and all the rest; I hope that you’re enjoying these days. On this bright day, I was reminded of our great God, the God who has made a decision about you and me. God hasn’t waited to find out how sincere we are, how faithful or religious we might be, or how well we understand the Bible. God hasn’t…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week June 8, 2023
Dear Peace Families, On Saturday, 7 students and 2 adult leaders will embark on a service trip to Chicago. While there, they’ll be working with some wonderful organizations that are making positive impacts all across the Chicago area, including Share Our Spare, Working Bikes, the Lydia Home, and the Chicago Food Depository. At Share Our Spare, they will assist in making care kits for babies and toddlers under 5 to assist parents in providing a safe and healthy start for their…
E-Note June 2, 2023
June 2, 2023 Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, It’s good to be back from vacation! My wife, Marcie, and I enjoyed some time away and now I’m looking forward to being with you on Sunday. This Sunday is the festival of the Holy Trinity, the only feast day devoted, not to an event in the life of Jesus, but to a teaching of the Christian church—that God comes to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Why is this an important…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week June 1, 2023
Dear Peace Families, The end of the school year is finally here! Last night, seniors at Bloomington Jefferson High School graduated and received their diplomas—including Peace’s own Julia Freemark and Elena Stockinger. The commencement ceremonies for our other graduates—Marta Borggreve (Eden Prairie), Harrison Oxford (Blake), and Ava Scribner (Edina)—continue next week as well. In addition, today is the last day of school for all of the other students in the Bloomington School District. Congratulations and well wishes to all! To celebrate the completion of another school year, we…
E-Note May 26, 2023
Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, a festival day in the church that comes 50 days after Easter. Pastor Joe writes, “Pentecost is a day of promises fulfilled, and this Sunday serves as an opportunity to celebrate God’s promised presence within and among us—through the power of the Holy Spirit. I’ll say more in my message titled, ‘Where They Were.’ And because of the Holy Spirit within us, we are empowered and sent out to proclaim God’s unconditional…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week May 25, 2023
Dear Peace Families, This week, as students near the end of the school year, I offer a prayer from writer, Kayla Craig: O God, Creator of beginnings and endings, we pray for our students. Walk ahead of them and beside them as they step into a big world littered with loss but glittering with hope. You were there for every newborn squeal and first step and lost tooth. Remind us that You are with them now, too, as our child…
E-Note May 19, 2023
Dear Peace Members and Friends, Good morning on this fresh, green spring day! This Sunday is the 7th, and final, Sunday of the Easter season. Pastor Joe writes, “In worship we will also commemorate the Ascension of Our Lord, focusing on Jesus’ ascension into heaven following his time with the disciples after the resurrection. Before Jesus goes, he reminds the disciples that they are called to be witnesses to Him. And afterward, they are encouraged to put their faith into action for…
CYF Blast & Family Tip Of The Week May 18, 2023
Dear Peace Families, This weekend in worship we will be recognizing our high school graduates—five students from four different high schools. Each of them are exceptional individuals with bright futures ahead, and I ask you to join me in both celebration of them and prayer for them—celebration for the wonderful young adults they’ve become and all their accomplishments along the way, and prayer for them as they enter into this next season of their lives. Marta Borggreve is graduating from Eden Prairie…
E-Note May 12, 2023
Dear Peace Members and Friends, We have an exciting Sunday this weekend! Along with Mother’s Day, it is the 6th Sunday of Easter as well as the last day of Sunday School for this school year. There’s a lot happening in worship! Both the children’s musical groups—the Sunday School Singers and the Alleluia Singers—will take their part. We’ll share Holy Communion around the altar, sing Easter hymns, and thank our Sunday School Staff for ministry well done. I’ll have a message on one—if not the most important—ingredients for thriving and loving family relationships. There’s…