E-notes (Page 12)

E-notes (Page 12)

E-Note November 11, 2022

November 11, 2022 Dear Peace members and friends, I have many things to share with you this morning; Harvest Pack, stewardship, some important staffing news, and, of course, a preview of Sunday’s worship. But first, let us recognize Veterans Day. Veterans Day is an official U.S. holiday celebrated on November 11th honoring people served and serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Unlike Memorial Day that remembers people who gave their lives while in service, Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans. This sacrificial service assists in…

E-Note November 4, 2022

November 4, 2022 Dear Peace members and friends, First of all, don’t forget to turn your clocks back on Sunday! Here’s one reason why: it’s All Saints Sunday. We will name this congregation’s newest saints, remember Peace members who have died since last All Saints Sunday, and, last of all, name those dear to you who have lived and died in the faith. We call them “saints”—not because they have performed miracles or lived perfect lives—but because, in the New Testament, St. Paul refers…

E-Note October 28, 2022

October 28, 2022 Dear Peace members and friends, A beautiful day and an exciting weekend ahead! Sunday is Reformation Sunday. We celebrate the good news of God’s grace that so changed Martin Luther and the church of his time, and still transforms us in our day. How did Luther and how do we know about God’s grace? We know it in the story of Jesus Christ. On this Reformation Sunday, we will continue our sermon series, Great Stories of the Bible, with one of best-known stories of…

E-Note October 21, 2022

October 21, 2022 Dear Peace members and friends, It’s an exciting time at Peace and there is a lot of news to pass on to you today. First of all, I wish all of you students and parents a good MEA break. And for those of you who are teachers, I hope you get a bit of a break, too! If you are in town, I hope you will be in worship (9:30am) followed by the Education Hour (10:45am). In worship, we continue…

E-note October 14, 2022

October 14, 2022 Dear Peace members and friends, Snow! It’s only October 14th! There’s a reason that they call Minnesotans “God’s Frozen People” and waking up this morning to see the white stuff on the ground and trees was another one. Yet we carry on! It was good to touch base with many of you during last Sunday’s Congregational Care Call. Council members and pastors had conversations with many of you. I was reminded again of the vitality of Peace people and how you—God’s people—have remained…

E-note October 7, 2022

October 7, 2022 Dear Peace members and friends, This In Sunday afternoon and early evening is another “Congregational Care Call.” What is a “congregational care call”? Sometime between 4:00 and 8:00pm today, a fellow member/Council member of Peace will contact you by phone with the simple question, “How are you?” There will be no requests for you to do anything; this is just a phone call to hear how you’re managing. We look forward to contacting you, along with all the members of Peace. This week…

E-note September 30, 2022

September 30, 2022 Dear Peace members and friends, As all of you are aware, Hurricane Ian made landfall in Florida yesterday and, this morning, is making its way inland in the Carolinas. It appears that this hurricane is one of the worst hurricanes to hit the United States in decades. I want you to know that your offering supports the work of Lutheran Disaster Response at times such as these. Along with other partners in the region, Lutheran Disaster Response is responding with immediate relief, including water, clothing,…

E-note September 23, 2022

September 23, 2022 Dear Peace members and friends, It’s an exciting Sunday ahead! This Sunday we will welcome to Peace and the Adult Education Hour (10:45am), Dean Phillips, who represents Minnesota’s 3rd congressional district (which includes Bloomington) in the U.S. House of Representatives. I have asked him to speak about gun violence, gun safety, and current gun violence legislation. I’m also hopeful that time allows for a question-and-answer opportunity. Join us for this informative hour with Congressman Phillips! This week in worship (9:30am), we continue in…

E-note September 16, 2022

September 16, 2022 Dear Peace members and friends, At the end of today’s e-note, I have an important announcement and invitation to our Sunday morning Adult Education Hour a week from this Sunday, September 25,th that I think many of you will be interested in, so be sure to read today’s note to the end.  This Sunday, I’m looking forward to preaching about relationships. Relationships—be they marriage or any kind of partnership or close friendship—often just happen. But after we realize we’re in relationship with another human…

E-note September 9, 2022

September 9, 2022 Dear Peace members and friends, It’s great to be back from vacation! The time away was refreshing and renewing and I’m excited about the months ahead, seeing all of you, and making the most of the all the opportunities to grow in faith and life this fall season.  It begins this Sunday, “Gathering” Sunday. In worship (9:30am), we’ll begin a new fall sermon series: “Great Stories of the Bible.” Over the next weeks, we’ll look at some familiar Biblical stories and…

E-note September 2, 2022

September 2, 2022 Dear Peace Members and Friends, I began writing this from under the English Channel! For an old train guy like me, it’s still fun to travel this way (especially on much, much faster trains than those I worked on! 186 mph!). After a whirlwind drive through southern Ireland and a brief time in Paris, Marcie and I are on our way to London. It’s been a wonderful vacation and a fun time away. I do hope that…