CYF Blast July 27, 2023

CYF Blast July 27, 2023

Dear Peace Parents and Families,

While Pastor Joe is on paternity leave, I am continuing to join up with the ongoing editor, Daina Sivanich, to send along to you Peace’s weekly children, youth, and family newsletter.

It’s an exciting weekend ahead! Sunday afternoon, nine Peace youth (4th-8th Graders) will head to Camp Wapogasset’s Youth Camp in Amery, WI for the week. The Peace youth are: Trevor Budz, Emery Byers, Kiya Losinski, Myla Macejkovic, Elsa Oman, Sofia Oman, Asher Rogers, Ayla Rogers, and Addison Tschida. We join together in praying for a blessed and fun time for all!

In our continuing series on parenting and family life, I pass along this article: “How to Raise Kids Who Will Grow into Secure, Trustworthy Adults” based on a Ted Talk by Esther Wojcicki and her book, How to Raise Successful People: Simple Lessons for Radical Results (below). I know it’s a bit long and that your spare time is short but I think Ms. Wojcicki has some good insight into parenting and growing successful people.

Thank you for your care in bringing up kids! It’s a joy for me to see your wonderful kids week after week. Kudos to all of you. I know parenting isn’t easy and there are days, but you’re doing it so very, very well. Thanks be to God!  

–Pastor Mark Nelson