E-Note July 21, 2023

E-Note July 21, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace,

First of all, I want to thank the many of you who last Sunday responded to VEAP (Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People) and their special request for contributions in filling the food shelfs due to the increased number of household requests for this basic need of life. The children did a great job in collecting up those offerings and you responded generously. I’ll announce that amount on Sunday!  

We will also continue in worship (9:30am) with our sermon series, “The Life and Ministry of the Apostle Paul.” In Sunday’s reading, we’ll once again hear about Paul’s “thorn in the flesh.” We don’t know what that thorn was but we do know Paul prayed to God that it would be taken away. It wasn’t. Instead, Paul lived with it and God’s answer. In one of the great lines of Scripture, God said to Paul, “my grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.”

There are things in the world that we hope for and there are things that we’re stuck with. The thorns are what we’re stuck with. How do we live with them? I’ll say more about thorns in the flesh in a message entitled, “Perfect in Weakness.” We will have a children’s message, share in Holy Communion, and gather after worship for fellowship. A good Sunday ahead!

I have other worship and music news. I am delighted to announce that our current worship accompanist, Bruce Hudson, will be taking on permanently the role as Peace Choir Director. We are grateful for all that Bruce brings to worship at Peace and we’re excited about what lies ahead. Our thanks and congratulations to Bruce!

See you Sunday!
