CYF Blast April 25, 2024

CYF Blast April 25, 2024

Dear Families and Friends of Peace,

With Sunday’s Affirmation of Baptism for our 8th grade students, our year of Confirmation officially concluded–and it was a great year!

Our weekly gatherings were centered around the theme of “God’s Story, My Story,” and our students explored the Bible, focusing on different people and their stories of how God worked in, through, and around them. Through both the Old and New Testaments, there were people and groups who faced hardship, pain, persecution, adversity, and worse. We read stories of people whose mistakes hurt others, who had devastating conflicts within their families, and who asked questions about God and faith—many of which were similar to questions we still ask today—that didn’t have perfect answers.

The people and stories throughout the Bible reminded us that we live in a broken world in need of a savior—and that brokenness has been around for a long, long time. But the stories also reminded us of the truth that there is redemption—because of Jesus Christ, not only are the people discussed in the Bible part of God’s Story, but we are too. In other words, God’s Word doesn’t end with Revelation—it continues to be written to this day through each of us, and we are all part of God’s ongoing story of love.

Looking ahead for families of current 5th, 6th, and 7th graders—registration information for the fall will be available later this summer. And our program is open to all—so please consider extending an invitation to other friends and families who might be interested!

And lastly, as our Confirmation program continues to grow, we would love to grow our network of adult leaders as well. If you or someone you know (adults and students in 10th Grade+; background checks required) might be interested, please connect with me

Grace and Peace,
