E-Note April 19, 2024

E-Note April 19, 2024

Dear Peace members and friends,

Coming up this weekend is that annual Sunday of the Easter season that is often called, “Good Shepherd Sunday.” “I am the good shepherd,” Jesus declares in Sunday’s Gospel. And here’s one thing in this reading that becomes clear: Jesus does everything that ultimately matters. 5 times in 8 short verses he says, “I lay down my life”—for us! For you; for me!

To confess that Jesus is our shepherd is to also say that we, well, tend to be sheep. And in the Bible sheep most often appear as helpless—or worse. Still, the Good Shepherd knows the sheep’s true need and the power to provide it. Trust that our Shepherd—he really is “good”—and he really is at work in your life…..for you.

On Sunday, we’ll hear more about Jesus, the Good Shepherd in a sermon offered by Pastor Joe in our Easter sermon series, “Living the Resurrection,” we’ll sing some of the best hymns of the church and share in the Lord’s Supper.

And there’s more! It’s also Confirmation Sunday. Eli Betlock, Kingston Fast, and Sofia Oman will affirm their baptism, be welcomed as adult members of the congregation, and prayed for on their way as they continue their life in Christ. My thanks to the many who supported them and were “the church” to these young people; their parents, their Sunday School and Confirmation teachers—the many who have encouraged, guided, and prayed for them. Thanks be to God for all of you and for Eli, Kingston, and Sofia!

Following worship in Adult Education (10:45am) we’ll present a video presentation, Smartphones vs. Smart Kids” from Dr. Jonathan Haidt. In it, Dr. Haidt shares recent findings from his newly published book, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness and how parents and community can respond. Everyone—all parents and grandparents—are encouraged to attend!

And a reminder about a week from Sunday (during the Adult Education Hour), the Lutheran World Federation Baby Kit Assembly. Lutheran World Relief distributes these supplies around the world where there is a disaster and these kits include small blankets and infant necessities. Join us!

A good day to you all. And remember: no matter how far you wander or in what ways you get yourself lost, God in Jesus and the Holy Spirit—the Good Shepherd—is always as close to you as you are to yourself.

See you Sunday!
