E-Note August 18, 2023

E-Note August 18, 2023

Dear Peace Members,

What makes a good life? How would you answer that question? Not just life in the abstract. But what makes your life good? Every day we are faced with stories and suggestions about how to live our best life now, so many of which are shallow at best and life-diminishing at worst.

And yet; yet, there is something about how we live and the choices we make and the habits we nurture that point toward something meaningful. How do we live without just falling into habits that are just about us such as, “I just got 15,000 steps done for the day but I forgot about forgiving my sister?” And furthermore, “what does Jesus and the Christian faith have to do with the good life?” How do we live toward that kind of life? How do we find joy and hope and meaning in our actual, real lives?

This Sunday, these kinds of questions will be discussed in the a brief sermon series offered by Pastor Joe entitled, “The Good Life,” subtitled “Rethinking Work, Identity, and Joy.” This week, he will present a message on work. We will also have a children’s message and Holy Communion. And—while Bruce Hudson takes a well-deserved Sunday away—a friend of Peace, Susan Steincross, will bless us with her musical gifts and also bring with her a colleague and soloist, Luke RandallA good Sunday ahead!  

It’s mid-August and fall and fall activities and school (even earlier this year!) loom. Just a reminder that Rally Day here at Peace is Sunday, September 10th. Mark it on your calendar!

I also am putting out the call for Sunday School teachers, assistants, and substitutes. We are in need of adults and students 6th grade and up to help our students grow in their faith through our Sunday School program! If you’re drawn toward this ministry, please contact Pastor Joe at [email protected] for further information.

Also, a reminder to Sunday School and Confirmation student parents and grandparents: Please register your children or grandchildren for 2023/2024 Sunday School, Confirmation, and High School activities. Registration will help us plan for class sizes and materials and keep our database current. A registration link can be found on Peace’s website, in the Thursday CYF Blast, or in this Friday e-Note. Paper copies are available at the information kiosk.

See you Sunday!
