Blogs And Devotionals (Page 18)

Blogs And Devotionals (Page 18)

E-Note August 4, 2023

Dear Peace Members, I am out of town this week and, while I’m away, Peace member Pastor Alan Loose will officiate and preach at Sunday worship (9:30). Pastor Loose will continue with our current sermon series, “The Life and Ministry of the Apostle Paul” and sent along a preview for the day: “Have this mind among you,” counsels Paul in his letter to the Philippians, “which is yours in Christ Jesus.” He goes on to describe the attitude Jesus adopts in his…

E-Note July 28, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, I hope that you’re staying cool this week! Even though it’s the middle of the summer, there’s a lot going on at Peace. This Sunday (9:30am), we have the joy of welcoming to the Church in baptism, Kaibigan Hawkins Del Rosario Thomson, the son of Jimmy Thomson and Arielle Del Rosario, and the grandson of Jim and Lori Thomson. We will continue with our sermon series, “The Life and Ministry of the Apostle Paul” and I’ll read “A Letter from Paul to Kai on…

CYF Blast July 27, 2023

Dear Peace Parents and Families, While Pastor Joe is on paternity leave, I am continuing to join up with the ongoing editor, Daina Sivanich, to send along to you Peace’s weekly children, youth, and family newsletter. It’s an exciting weekend ahead! Sunday afternoon, nine Peace youth (4th-8th Graders) will head to Camp Wapogasset’s Youth Camp in Amery, WI for the week. The Peace youth are: Trevor Budz, Emery Byers, Kiya Losinski, Myla Macejkovic, Elsa Oman, Sofia Oman, Asher Rogers, Ayla Rogers, and Addison Tschida. We join together…

E-Note July 21, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, First of all, I want to thank the many of you who last Sunday responded to VEAP (Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People) and their special request for contributions in filling the food shelfs due to the increased number of household requests for this basic need of life. The children did a great job in collecting up those offerings and you responded generously. I’ll announce that amount on Sunday!   We will also continue in worship (9:30am) with our sermon…

CYF Blast July 20, 2023

Dear Peace Parents and Families, While Pastor Joe is on paternity leave, I am continuing to join up with the ongoing editor, Daina Sivanich, to send along to you Peace’s weekly children, youth, and family newsletter. Martin Luther spoke of the need for “the mutual consolation of the brethren.” He said, “a faithful friend is a great boon and a precious treasure in any situation of life….it remains a great advantage to have a brother/sister with whom one can converse…

E-Note July 14, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, I still remember it: my first computer. My wife, Marcie, had schemed with our nephew and there in the living room, on Christmas morning, sat a new computer. In that moment, a new world was born for me. Now I had access to a whole new unseen universe (“the world-wide web”!). And there was a whole new way of living that went along with this new contraption. No more typewriter. No more carbon paper.…

CYF Blast July 13, 2023

Dear Peace Parents and Families, While Pastor Joe is on paternity leave, I am continuing to join up with the ongoing editor, Daina Sivanich, to send along to you Peace’s weekly children, youth, and family newsletter. It was amazing. Two angry human beings. Wrestling. Angry. No, it wasn’t two men (or women!) It wasn’t UFC or MMA on television in my living room. No. It was at Target. In the toy section. It was two very young children. And it…

E-Note July 7, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, Sometimes life can change with only a few words. You hear the words, “I love you,” and your life will never be the same. Or you hear the announcement, “you have a new baby daughter (or son)” and your life changes immediately. And, as we discovered last week in church, the St. Paul’s life changed dramatically when he was interrupted by God and heard the words, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”  His life was…

CYF Blast July 6, 2023

Dear Peace Parents and Families, While Pastor Joe is on paternity leave, I am continuing to join up with the ongoing editor, Daina Sivanich, to send along to you Peace’s weekly “Children, Youth, and Family Newsletter.” My thanks to her and our thanks to you for your taking a few minutes to read it! First of all, I hope you had and/or are having a good July 4th week and that you are having a renewing (and restful?) week. And secondly, I can…

E-Note June 30, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, We heard good news from Pastor Joe yesterday morning. Here it is: “Cameron Joseph Orner was born at 3:59am this morning (6/29/2023) at 7 lbs, 8 oz. He and Reilly are both healthy and well. Thank you for your prayers.” Congratulations to Pastor Joe, Reilly, and brother Lucas! As I thought about this summer’s preaching, I wondered about these questions: Is there something in your life that you would like to change? So what is it you would like to change?…

CYF Blast June 29, 2023

Dear Peace Families, Pastor Mark here. I have good news from Pastor Joe this morning. Here it is: “Cameron Joseph Orner was born at 3:59am this morning (6/29/2023) at 7 lbs, 8 oz. He and Reilly are both healthy and well. Thank you for your prayers.”!!! Congratulations to Pastor Joe, Reilly, and brother Lucas! While Pastor Joe is on paternity leave, I will be filling in as a contributor to this Children, Youth, and Family News, along with the usual week-in-and-week-out efforts…

E-Note June 23, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, It’s a busy wedding weekend. I’m writing from Nebraska City, Nebraska because this afternoon, Andrew Cross (the son of Deb and Gene Cross) will be married to Megan Olson. And tomorrow, in Minneapolis, Tim Platt (the son of Anita and Jim Platt) will be married to Ashley Enke. It’s a grand day for two wonderful couples, their families and friends, and sign of God’s grace to all. After all, Jesus’ first miracle was at a wedding, a wedding in Cana! This Sunday in worship (9:30am) we conclude…