Posts by Pastor Mark Nelson (Page 9)

Posts by Pastor Mark Nelson (Page 9)

E-Note June 30, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, We heard good news from Pastor Joe yesterday morning. Here it is: “Cameron Joseph Orner was born at 3:59am this morning (6/29/2023) at 7 lbs, 8 oz. He and Reilly are both healthy and well. Thank you for your prayers.” Congratulations to Pastor Joe, Reilly, and brother Lucas! As I thought about this summer’s preaching, I wondered about these questions: Is there something in your life that you would like to change? So what is it you would like to change?…

CYF Blast June 29, 2023

Dear Peace Families, Pastor Mark here. I have good news from Pastor Joe this morning. Here it is: “Cameron Joseph Orner was born at 3:59am this morning (6/29/2023) at 7 lbs, 8 oz. He and Reilly are both healthy and well. Thank you for your prayers.”!!! Congratulations to Pastor Joe, Reilly, and brother Lucas! While Pastor Joe is on paternity leave, I will be filling in as a contributor to this Children, Youth, and Family News, along with the usual week-in-and-week-out efforts…

E-Note June 23, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, It’s a busy wedding weekend. I’m writing from Nebraska City, Nebraska because this afternoon, Andrew Cross (the son of Deb and Gene Cross) will be married to Megan Olson. And tomorrow, in Minneapolis, Tim Platt (the son of Anita and Jim Platt) will be married to Ashley Enke. It’s a grand day for two wonderful couples, their families and friends, and sign of God’s grace to all. After all, Jesus’ first miracle was at a wedding, a wedding in Cana! This Sunday in worship (9:30am) we conclude…

E-Note June 16, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, There is so much bad news in the world. Sometimes it seems like bad news is the only news. Except, we do have good news: He is risen! In a world without much of it, we’ve been given good news: Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. And on the basis of that good news, we can hope in a future on his making and we can take joy, that in spite of news to the contrary,…

E-Note June 9, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, I hope your summer is off to a great start! Graduations, weddings, vacations, and warm weather and all the rest; I hope that you’re enjoying these days. On this bright day, I was reminded of our great God, the God who has made a decision about you and me. God hasn’t waited to find out how sincere we are, how faithful or religious we might be, or how well we understand the Bible. God hasn’t…

E-Note June 2, 2023

June 2, 2023 Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, It’s good to be back from vacation! My wife, Marcie, and I enjoyed some time away and now I’m looking forward to being with you on Sunday. This Sunday is the festival of the Holy Trinity, the only feast day devoted, not to an event in the life of Jesus, but to a teaching of the Christian church—that God comes to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Why is this an important…

E-Note May 26, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends of Peace, This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, a festival day in the church that comes 50 days after Easter. Pastor Joe writes, “Pentecost is a day of promises fulfilled, and this Sunday serves as an opportunity to celebrate God’s promised presence within and among us—through the power of the Holy Spirit. I’ll say more in my message titled, ‘Where They Were.’ And because of the Holy Spirit within us, we are empowered and sent out to proclaim God’s unconditional…

E-Note May 19, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends, Good morning on this fresh, green spring day! This Sunday is the 7th, and final, Sunday of the Easter season. Pastor Joe writes, “In worship we will also commemorate the Ascension of Our Lord, focusing on Jesus’ ascension into heaven following his time with the disciples after the resurrection. Before Jesus goes, he reminds the disciples that they are called to be witnesses to Him. And afterward, they are encouraged to put their faith into action for…

E-Note May 12, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends, We have an exciting Sunday this weekend! Along with Mother’s Day, it is the 6th Sunday of Easter as well as the last day of Sunday School for this school year. There’s a lot happening in worship! Both the children’s musical groups—the Sunday School Singers and the Alleluia Singers—will take their part. We’ll share Holy Communion around the altar, sing Easter hymns, and thank our Sunday School Staff for ministry well done. I’ll have a message on one—if not the most important—ingredients for thriving and loving family relationships. There’s…

E-Note May 5, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends, The season of spring seems to be (finally!) here. I hope that all of you, in some way, are able to enjoy it. Open up a window, take a walk, ride a bike—all to relish in the greening up of God’s earth once again. The season of Easter continues this coming Sunday with some of the most memorable words of Jesus: “Do not let your hearts be troubled, believe in God, believe also in me….I am the way,…

E-Note April 28, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends, I love not only the day of Easter but the season of Easter. Why? If the Christian faith was only made up of Good Friday, that would be a tragedy and a horror. If the Christian faith was only made up of Easter Sunday, it would be like those dried-up Easter lilies that are long gone. It is only after Easter that we come to know who the Risen Christ is; and in the New Testament we see that it is in…

E-Note April 21, 2023

Dear Peace Members and Friends, Gerhard Manley Hopkins has a poem in which he inserts the prayer, “Easter in us.” He uses the noun Easter as a verb. “Easter in us.” Let Easter get into us, come where we live. Which sounds strange. But that’s exactly what happens on Easter evening. Luke’s gospel tells us that two of Jesus’ followers are on the 7-mile walk to the village of Emmaus, talking about all the events that had happened in Jerusalem that morning, when suddenly the now Risen…